Carol has been secretly begging me to take the post down cos she obviously knows it's the truth and the fact that she is supporting a war criminal will ruin her music career. The punctuation on that site is so horrible and they can't capitalize my name well. She quotes in the article.
"What kind of woman claims that she is fighting for justice in Toronto Canada and yet makes a public statement like Ojukwu should rot in hell? Remember “LOVE IS THE PRINCIPLE THING”
She forgets that I don't love genocidal war killers. That's like loving Bin Laden. Carol is a phony coward who wants her cake and eat it. Shame on her for supporting GENOCIDE. All the trolls are cashing in now supporting her phony ambition to run for President of Nigeria in 2015 since I have now dropped out of the race due to Nigeria passing the ban against gay marriage.
Remember how the trolls impersonate me and post about me hating gays? I'm far from hating gays and lesbians. They are human beings like anyone of us. Nigeria calls them the scum of the earth. The post below landed on my Facebook page from a Nigerian who got status here to live in Canada and then turn around bashing the country that gave them freedom. SMH.

Back to Carol...For someone that's just threatened you with a lawsuit, she wrote me in my FB inbox....
"hey... who da fuckzzzzzzzz dis guy...(refferring to Canadian Foreign Minister Baird) CANADA is canada/North America..n NIGERIA is AFRICAN... we have culture..they have nuttin ...we black AfricanS...we dont play dat fuckin brainwashed white manzzzzzz world rubbish..so WE DONT KARE..WE R REAL n thatz how we gonna be...KEEPIN IT REAL 4REAL... even BUSH ex-America president was against it..so...let it be... we say no fuckin gay shit in AFRICA...THIS IS 1 OF THA BEST THANG EVER COMIN OUT OF THE AFRICAN GOVT ..N AM SO DAMN PROUD 9GERIA IS THE 1ST TO SPEAK UP... n say enuff of dis bul'... POWER 2D PEOPLE...IN AFRICA...brapppp"
"Ok you know we are both women and people are also hating on me also i have never done anything wrong to you.. all i did was post and comment on Ojukwu dying because he was a friend of my dad.........
I remember him as a child .We should stop all the fighting it is best that way life is so so short love is the principle thing really......There are always people always out to hate i do not get involved with haters.
Kemi you know you should remove blog and let us leave things alone life is short ......... my campaign for the homeless is true i sent condoms to Nigeria and medicine and i paid for this i did not ask anyone for money for this all i have tried to do is help people.
The shelter i am using funds from my own pocket to raise awareness for this i have not asked anyone for money you will not find anywhere me asking anyone for money for this..i started this campaign when it was brought to my attention that a family was living under the bridge . I have had people hate on me too because i try to do good some do not like people doing good.... it is best not to react to people that hate because they will stop eventually.
I will be in Canada late march let there be peace that is all i have been trying to do for the last 3 yrs of loosing both my mother and father 6 months apart. Nigeria needs to be united for peace thank you for messaging back."
Is she just realizing the country needs peace before her leader killed a million people? She then gets soft and starts pandering to me but she still supports a genocide war criminal.
"Ok Kemi as you can see i had my first classic in "HIT AND RUN LOVER" 30 yrs ago so much history i did start my career in Canada i am not a wanna be trying to ask the homeless for money no i have a serious concern for Nigeria ....i have been in this business for too long yes music is a powerful tool and that is what saved my life .
Please let me know when you remove the blog thanks
When I finally ignored her, she then calls me names...
"No? You just met your match you posted on your blog not too long ago you are the fake you are a liar.. let me have you lawyers contact hahahahahahahahahaha thanks for showing your true colors don't you dare contact me again . Look at what I found...Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo aka Ms.Kemi : Wanted Felon,Child Abuser, Con Artist, Terrorist and Fraud, Yes great fantastic I need the publicity that is what you should be concentrating on i will not lower my standards with a woman that calls herself a journalist that uses such language .. Carry on using fowl language it shows that you have no class really thanks for the publicity my mission is the homeless and not a parrasite like you."She starts quoting Shawn W. McQuaid's blog. The artist who sent me songs about killing women that I ignored and descended on a cyberbully campaign on me with malicious vicious lies. I have Toronto Police detectives handling that on the order of Deputy Chief Peter Sloly, so I'm not even worrying. McQuaid will be arrested, tried and locked up. I'm supposedly a con artist, terrorist, awaiting deportation, child abuser etc on this blog.
LMAO! Who has time Carol. You are a miscreant in the worst form. "I am what I am? Yup, you are what you are!" Have your lawyers contact me. HipHossip@yahoo.ca.