Bloody Boston marathon finish line |
Nigerians are making fun of American in Boston Marathon tragedy. It is one of those dark days I say I am
not PROUD to ever be a Nigerian. Read the comments as this is why we call it Social Media. They are attacking me for being so concerned, not only did I spend 29 years and 10 months of my life in the USA, on a day like this, I went into motion as an international Journalist.
I am so ANGRY that I resorted to ripping people. Earlier tonight, I got a tip that a Canadian was involved in this bombing on my @Snitchlady DM and I forwarded it to authorities. Meanwhile to my shock, I came back to my HipHossip fanpage and began to feed statuses into my personal fanpage
I have blocked a lot of ppl on my page permanently. There is no coming back. U wonder why I don't like comments, comment on statuses, add anyone to my personal page or chat or give you my phone number. I DON'T KNOW YOU. Many of you have the worst mentalities EVER and I don't wanna be associated with U.
Those that know me online and in person know I am the nicest person ever but I have pulled back from any of that activism stuff in Nigeria.
Is Nigeria worth fighting for with these attitudes? Many of you are selfish, lazy and don't speak up about violence if it does not affect you. I LEFT THIS COUNTRY 35 YEARS AGO and yet still no improvement because
youth are constantly the terrorists here. 14 year olds on bikes shooting at the Emir, a King! MEND and all other youth terror groups kidnapping oil workers and even killing them, not to talk about Mutallab's kid. I spoke out about all of them and I get your foolish comments asking what is my biz with Americans??
I got ripped because I refused to get involved in the murder of four young men police say went to steal phones at gunpoint on Aluu, the father that was gunned down in Malaysia last week and those killed by police in the Occupy Nigeria uprising. I am
NOT a HUMAN RIGHTS activist. I was a Guns advocate and Community Activist in Canada and everyone should direct their energy at the specific issue in their neighborhoods at any one time. I'm not everyone's saviour.
What I saw there was just
SHOCKING. NIGERIANS making fun of the Boston Bombing and posting anti-American sentiments. My family are mostly Americans. My sister, brothers, children were all born there and live there. The posts were all disturbing! Something I can't make up as I use social media to engage people. Read below then watch all the videos of my speaking out on terrorism in Nigeria and with Nigerians.
@HipHossip on Twitter
Read more about my speaking out on TERRORISM.
CTV Boko Haram blows up churches Xmas 2011
CNN Larry King Live Mutallab plane bombing
FOX News Greta Van Susteren Mutallab plane bombing