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Thursday, October 16, 2014

#HNNHealth @NBCNews Dr Nancy Snyderman will POTENTIALLY INFECT #AMERICA!! Not Completing Quarantine!! We are watching FROM #Nigeria

The NBC team covering the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has been under quarantine since they returned home after a cameraman was diagnosed with the virus. Now NBC's Chief Medical correspondent is making the news. She's not infected with the virus, but Nancy Snyderman broke the 21 day voluntary quarantine. She says no one is showing any symptoms and they don't pose a risk.

Answer: She will infect everyone because she has not completed the 21 day. I did a very raw audio on this when I heard!! Nancy now becomes a disgrace to all medical reporters like me. As a Chief Medical Correspondent to NBC and I write as a Special Medical Correspondent for Nigerian Television and Sanjay Gupta for CNN, I must say I am shocked. Take a look at some Facebook comments on American news pages. SMH.

Americans are pissed!!! Read these FIERY comments!! OMG!

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