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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

#HNNGayVoices Catholic Church acknowledges gay people have 'gifts and qualities to offer'

Sometimes the level of hate in this world amazes me to now think that gays have something to offer? Pls take all this GOD stuff out of humanity. The pope himself said God does not call us by generic names. There's the tweet above. Their own priests have also been busy with boys or do they want us to forget that? Give regular non perverted gays a voice pls.

A document released by the Vatican on Monday said “homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community” and asked how that could be balanced with doctrine.

Roman Catholic gay rights groups around the world hailed the paper as a breakthrough, but conservatives called it a betrayal of traditional family values.

Known as the “relatio post disceptationem”, the document detailed discussions by 200 senior bishops on the Church’s treatment of LGBT people.

It said: “Are we capable of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a fraternal space in our communities?

“Often they wish to encounter a Church that offers them a welcoming home.

“Are our communities capable of providing that, accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?”

The document said the question warranted “serious reflection” on how to educate people on the Roman Catholic position on sex and confirmed that the Church cannot consider gay marriage “on the same footing” as heterosexual partnerships.

With files from The Independent


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