On Sunday July 15th 2012, a 19-year-old London woman died at an outdoor concert in Toronto had been looking forward to the trip for months, her father says.
Taylor Nesseth had crossed off the days on her bedroom calendar leading up to the Vans Warped Tour and had a money jar in her room labelled
"For The Best Day Ever," her dad, Tim Nesseth, said Monday.
"She babysat the neighbours' kids and saved every little nickel."
Nesseth travelled to Toronto with her girlfriend and a group of friends from school. They planned to spend Sunday at the Warped Tour at the Molson Amphitheatre before taking off for a camping trip. It was the first trip Taylor had taken away from home without her family, her father said.
"We were a little scared, but she assured us she'd be OK."
Nesseth collapsed near the stage about 12:40 p.m. I WAS IN THIS AREA WHEN IT HAPPENED AS I WAS COVERING THE SHOW.
She was so excited to see Breaching Vista, an upcoming rock group and it's the fans that make these singers. They responded to her and these responses on twitter matter to fans and also the RT's. Now look what developed later below on the day of the concert. Breaching Vista wrote a condolence message telling everyone they were honored to have her as a fan.
Friends and other spectators tried to revive her until paramedics arrived, but none of their frantic efforts were enough to restart her heart after she was found without any vital signs.
Tim Nesseth said the family is waiting for the autopsy results to find how she died, but said the preliminary results determined it wasn't her heart. He also said she didn't have any pre-existing medical conditions that her family was aware of.
Sunday was a very hot and humid day and much of the crowd was under the sun for hours during the outdoor show.
Toronto police said foul play isn't suspected.
Tim Nesseth said Taylor's family is still trying to come to grips with the news. Taylor's death will leave a huge hole in the hearts of many people, he said, describing her as a "beautiful, caring, and intelligent girl who knew her own mind."
A woman who knew Taylor Nesseth for years said she and her kids are stunned and distraught by the loss.
"My daughters went to school with Taylor from kindergarten on at White Oaks public school and I can't believe it's true," Lorelei Petrie said.
"I was hoping it wasn't. She always used to greet my daughters when they were all so small (and continued over the years) with her arms wide open and they would run up and get their 'Taylor Hugs.' My oldest daughter is the same age as Taylor and I can't imagine the pain Taylor's family is going through. I can't believe there will be no more Taylor Hugs.' "
Another friend said Nesseth was a beacon of happiness.
"I've known Taylor ever since Grade 7," Amal Jama said. "She was probably the happiest person I knew. Although I didn't know her very well, I knew her enough to know that she was a great person and her death has had an impact on me."
Others poured their feelings out on social media sites, as one friend did on a Tumblr page:
- "I can't believe you're gone. All those incredible times we had with Amanda, riding the bus with you daily.
- "You were by far one of the sweetest girls I've ever got the pleasure of knowing.
- "I absolutely adore you and I'm gonna miss you so much.
- "I'm honestly so speechless.
- "Everybody's talking about you 'cause of what happened at Warped Tour (Sunday).
- "You'll never be forgotten, by friends and strangers.
- "Who could forget you?
- "Rest In Sweet Peace, darling."
KJ at the media working area when we go to concerts |
And....I did not know Taylor personally, but she died inches from my feet on that very HOT Sunday. The front of the stage is where KJ and I are usually situated at most concerts when we are working and it's also known as the spot for the die-hard fans who pay a lot or stand in long lines or camp out to get there. It was a very tragic situation. Very truly sad when I saw her last tweets. After Taylor's death, I was so distraught and tired that the next nite when I started blogging stories, the Danzig shooting happened Monday 16th and the blog has been idle since. As a Victims Advocate, I have been in 22 interviews and so much crime reporting.
R.I.P Taylor Nesseth....A TRUE FAN. You will never be forgotten here.
--MsKemi @HipHossip