#BREAKING Pharmacist/Journalist/Socialmedia expert Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo @HealthReports CREATES the social media hashtag #Ebolafree USE IT on all social!! #Facebook #Twitter #Instagram #Pinterest #Tumblr #YouTube #MySpace #Soundcloud #GooglePlus etc etc
I thought of creating this hashtag #EbolaFree on Friday October 3rd 2014 after the last quarantined patient in Nigeria went home and after Senegal was declared Ebola Free on Friday October 17th 2014. My dream was to have Nigeria declared the same by Monday October 20th 2014. It happened. I had been using it all weekend and now it's trending. Trending alongside another one #EbolaFreeNigeria
My hashtag #EbolaFree has a real GOAL>>>to get Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and even America all #EBOLAFREE one day. Spanish nurse's aide Teresa Romero Ramos is also now #EbolaFree and Late Nigerian Doctor Iyke Enemuo's sister Miss Chinyere Enemuo of course who spoke at today's Ebola free certification.