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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

#HNNTraffic He's 23, CANNOT DRIVE and crashed into a pool. See PHOTOS!

A 23-year-old man -- who had no license, no insurance and no clue how to drive -- crashed a car into a pool in Fresno, California USA. 

Since the driver had no insurance, the homeowner will have to pay for his own repairs. The young man was cited for driving without a license or insurance, but the maximum fine is $1,000.


Jojo de Jesus Government should fix this loopholes. It shows no justice to the victim(s) and encourages criminals to repeat the same because of such loopholes . C'mon lawmakers wake up and do the right thing
Like · Reply · 24 · 4 hrs

Leslie Godat Probably wouldn't do much good to sue someone who has no license or insurance...because he probably has no job and no money also! I feel bad for the homeowners, but their insurance should cover the damages.
Like · Reply · 11 · 4 hrs

3 Replies · 48 mins

Sherris Holliman Wow that's so messed up my heart goes out to the home owner i hope he has home owners insurance.
Like · Reply · 11 · 4 hrs · Edited

John Shipley Can you hear yourselves talking? Sue-happy much? Clearly the guy made a stupid mistake, bone-head mistake, but you all sound like you feel the need to destroy him, just demolish him for the rest of his life. You scare me. If that's the kind of treatment you want to happen to you when you make a mistake then you better be perfect model human beings... which by definition is impossible.
Like · Reply · 5 · 3 hrs

5 Replies · 45 mins

Angelle Baker the driver needs to pay for it not the home owner.. that is complete BS
Like · Reply · 4 · 3 hrs

Harut Tanashyan

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Akshay Chand RahulAlice
Like · Reply · 2 · 2 hrs

Caryn Bass Baitel why does a 23 yr old not know how to drive?? Where is he from?
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs

Pat Partida U R naive. WHERE do you live?
Like · 2 hrs

Jeff Pursel just make him pay for the repairs
Like · Reply · 2 · 3 hrs

Marva Simonson He was the bonehead - no license, no insurance put him in jail before he gets another car and kills someone on the road, not just end up in the pool. I would be that the homeowners insurance is going to have a problem with this one.
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs

Allen Bushey FOR SALE 1 Owner car, only used for short trips to pool, very clean, just washed inside and out.
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs

Richard Moore sell the car for scrap, as it was abandoned on their property, at least it will pay pool cleaning.
Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs

Matthew Hawkins Mar Sea Otter does this remind you of a picture from MySpace in middle school?
Like · Reply · 7 mins

Ron Postoian No not at all own up to it, pay what he owes , and make it right. That does not happen does it.
Like · Reply · 9 mins

Hazel Verdin Rachel Kalen
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Hazel Verdin Jonathan Granados
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Andre Mirzakhanian Dana Noori
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Louise Trapp-Reichwein He should pay the homeowners deductable andfor any repairs needed on the pool and yard. As long as no one was hurt this should be what thedriver should be responsible for and nothing else.
Like · Reply · 1 hr

Frankie Oliva It's still gonna run
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Adriana Bonilla And what about the water bill??? They're going to get fined for having to fill the pool back up! Ugh, I hate unlicensed and uninsured motorists!!!!
Like · Reply · 1 hr

Israel Ramos Charged to the Mom and Dad..
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Paula Tillett Who's paying for that tow truck to hoist it out of there? hmm, homeowners insurance should be taking care of everything.
Like · Reply · 1 hr

Roy Medina Thats does suck he should some how be liable but obviously he is not worth even insurance. . He should work just to pay for that..but losers will always be losers
Like · Reply · 1 hr

Rina Pedrola Wow !
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Fern Reyes Poor teggy
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Alexx Alvarez So whats the reason of him driving..
Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Rebecca Gonzales Raul Montesinos
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Jean V Delgado There's a great possibility that the driver is an illegal alien driving without car registration, license and insurance, our city has triplicated since the ant-immigrant law was passed in Arizona, this is an injustice committed by the Reagan administration and the subsequent presidents that came after, we the legal residents have to foot the bill for all of their transgressions, higher taxes and car insurance.
Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Shawn Herrera He could press charges for Trespassing or file a civil lawsuit possibly?
Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Joey Panuvong Can he sue?
Like · Reply · 4 hrs

Andy Hernandez Part out lol
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Lori Hayes Kuykendall I cannot believe the stupid law, this kid gets off with a small fine. The home owner is responsible for the damage! This kid should be liable.
Like · Reply · 2 hrs

ﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞ Acura Integra poor car
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Daniel Chiu Super Clean Car!!!
Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Sergio Rocha Lol
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