In what some call a slap in the face of Donald Trump and his supporters, former President H.W Bush has endorsed Hillary Clinton for President of United states by crossing party lines. Do you think this will matter to the voters?
Some of the GOP voters today especially the younger ones don't even know Bush's record and I read so many tweets calling them both "crooked". As you know #CrookedHillary is Trump's nickname for Clinton.
As expected, Clinton tweeted her joy! However what exactly did Hillary mean by #VoteForPoliticians? Who else do people vote for during elections? No word yet on who his son, another former president George G.W Bush is voting for?
I am so happy to have the support of my fellow Career Politician friend, George H.W. Bush! May we keep ruling the world! #VoteForPoliticians— Hillary (@HlLLARYCLINT0N) September 20, 2016