The 'RocknRolla' director has also told strict vegetarian Madonna she must not criticise children Lourdes, 12, Rocco, eight, and David Banda, three, for eating a traditional Christmas lunch of turkey and ham. A source said: "This Christmas is very special for Guy." Madonna landed in the UK on the 23rd to spend the festive period with her children. However, soon after arriving at her former marital home in London, Guy and the three children they raise together left so the singer could have a lengthy meeting with her lawyer Fiona Shackleton to discuss custody arrangements.
A source said: "It doesn't look like Madonna is that keen on having a family Christmas. The first thing she did when she arrived was have a meeting with her divorce lawyer. "That won't make things any easier when she is trying to keep things civil over the dinner table at Christmas. "It remains to be seen how much time Madonna and Guy will spend together as they've started off by doing their best to avoid each other."
I so feel bad for that poor adopted kid David Banda. With all the hype the poor boy went thru to finalize his adoption, then the marriage breaks up!
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