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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Nigerians suddenly don't know Kemi Olunloyo once I mentioned I'm an IDOL #HNNImpact

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My people are fakes. Yesterday I tweeted that I don't add people as friends to my Facebok friends page as I deactivated that in 2014 since I have a fanpage with 74,000 plus friends. Also on Twitter I don't follow anyone but my Twitter clients, media partners,children and people that retweet and support my work.

Unless there is some insanity in Nigerans, everyone of them know me online but not in person. Soon as I told them I'm an Idol that is worshipped, they started tweeting that they didn't know me. A bunch of foolish people. Bloggers are glued to my page looking for the next story to write. Nigerians are just like that. Phony fake behaviour. Not surprised. Some of them illiterates were asking why my legs were lighter than my face. They don't know about hoisery aka panty hose which I was wearing in the nude colour. Below is the tweet.

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