I had read something in the Punch that Kiss Daniels, one of my top fave artists was attacked on stage and robbed at the Calabar festival concert. I talk about him a lot with my global fans and many of you know that I have a desire to be his international music publicist, something I posted on Instagram. Now came word of this brazen robbery. Within minutes of my tweets, global fans were LIKING and RETWEETING it. We were all worried for him. minutes later, award winning Daniels tweeted @HNNAfrica that it was NOT a robbery using an angry and a sad emoji. He wrote below:
"I'm fine mama

I told him to e-mail me his contacts as I do wanna interview him on the incident.
I hope @iamkissdaniel is ALIVE and WELL. I heard about the onstage robbery attack in #Calabar yesterday. #HNNCrime https://t.co/CR0brPkBvp— KEMI 👑 OLUNLOYO💻 (@HNNAfrica) December 27, 2016
I'm fine mama 😬 it wasn't a robbery Though 😰 https://t.co/ds21tv1dbB— KISS DANIEL (@iamkissdaniel) December 27, 2016