Many people are wondering why it's been almost 3 years that police updated the Pimentel Case last. The fact remains that detective work is highly classified and not something to rush into. Toronto Police Homicide Squad has now updated the case in the first of several stages. More updates today per one of the leading detectives. Detective Tam Bui will tell us what that is but meanwhile he has released some items found at the crime scene, keys, shoes and a hair extension with the woman of interest still a big mystery. Below are my tweets on the update.
(Photo) Pls AVOID talking to #InternetTrolls during the #MikePimentelMurder investigation. Let detectives handle it.

#MikePimentelMurder I am Kemi #LIVE from #Nigeria. Follow me @Snitchlady on instagram, twitter and Pinterest my...

#MikePimentelMurder Heard many great things about Mike from family & friends via social media, Now I need ur help!! CLICK SHARE on all POSTS

#mikepimentelmurder @TPSHomicide @DetBuiHomicide said in a tweet below that they will release another clue today Sat 12/14/14

#mikepimentelmurder (PHOTO) Take another look at the items as @TPSHomicide needs all fashion buffs and locksmiths...

#mikepimentelmurder Everyone's innocent till proven guilty but pls help @TPSHomicide identify these items left behind at crime scene

#mikepimentelmurder If you are the lady with Mike's alleged killer, @TPSHomicide wants to talk to u. Pls go in with an attorney

#mikepimentelmurder (PHOTO) Who dropped size 38 shoes, keys & hair extension on NYE2012, What brand/make are they?

#MikePimentelMurder (PHOTO) Take a look at the woman's back view. Then study her #FASHION!! Yes, clothing and shoes

#MikePimentelMurder (PHOTO) First of who is the WOMAN of interest in the fight between Mike and a male?

#MikePimentelMurder Here we go! New info on this case involves the WOMAN at the scene of the fight/murder. Pls...

#MikePimentelMurder Here is my FB link to sending your TIP online… cc: @DetBuiHomicide @TPSHomicide

#MikePimentelMurder Here is my FB link to sending your TIP online...

#MikePimentelMurder Phones charging? Can't call @1800222TIPS? U can click my LEAVE A TIP button here on FB and send your TIPS!

#MikePimentelMurder You can also follow me @Snitchlady on instagram and (Snitchlady Foundation board)

#MikePimentelMurder HATE Facebook? Like Twitter, my posts on FB are feeding automatically to Twitter @Snitchlady

#MikePimentelMurder It's been almost 3 yrs this case has been updated and detective work takes a lot of...

#MikePimentelMurder There are NEW UPDATES in this case. I have no contact on case with detectives. I solely spread info on #socialmedia

#MikePimentelMurder Follow @TPSHomicide and @DetBuiHomicide the LEADING Twitter law enforcement handles in this case

#MikePimentelMurder Mike left a 4yo daughter behind when he was MURDERED. She needs justice for her dad! 1800222TIPS or 416-8087400

Good Morning from #Nigeria. I will be updating the #MikePimentelMurder It is now 7.45am here, 1.45am #Toronto...

Lets be on the same page: I created this hashtag #MikePimentelMurder. Pls use it all over the internet. @TPSHomicide is using it too.

Thank U @Sunset4life for all the RETWEETS. Together we fight crime &progress together. Now following @DetBuiHomicide #mikepimentelmurder