The Eric Garner case gets tense with the Grand Jury decision not to indict those officers despite a video of wrongdoing and a Chief who says it was a mistake procedure and he would retrain every single officer. Katie Couric spoke to a number of guesta on a live Yahoo News chat including the late Garner's children. Read the tweets at my police news handle @CopGossip from bottom to top.

Dion Rabouin: 'We have to stop being afraid of the police and they have to stop being afraid of us.' Guy >white shirt

W. Kamau Bell: 'I don't actually care' if there is more racial diversity in the police (Guy in brown jacket)

Ray Kelly to @katiecouric : Police departments should have more people of color serving in their ranks, there should be a push for that

Ray Kelly: There are no quotas in a police department's use of Stop & Frisk

Erica Garner, daughter of Eric Garner, tells @katiecouric that grand jury decision was 'not a surprise' in light of recent Ferguson events

Erica Garner tells @katiecouric: 'They treated him like an animal' re: her father's killing by an NYPD cop

Eric Garner Jr. to @katiecouric: Good cops need to call out bad cops for the good of our country #LIVE on Yahoo News

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Follow my #health and @Wellness brand @VitaminKemi on Twitter and Search #VitaminKemi on Instagram and Pinterest

#EricGarner was choked by police and he DIED in #StatenIsland #NewYork. A Grand Jury will not indict the officers...

Today we shall discuss the #EricGarner NYPD police brutality case and the Grand Jury decision. Pls join me at