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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jay-Z and Mary J Blige BOTH call into Toronto's Devo Brown's Flow Factor show!

DEVO BROWN of Toronto's Flow 93.5FM

OMG, Devo e-mailed me yesterday evening to tell me that Jay and Mary called together into his show. Man! These two together on stage promise us a lot. I love Mary J so much and have not laid my eyes on her since those wedding pictures to Kendu were sent to me in ATL back in 2004. Devo's interview rocked with both of them on live.

Notice the professionality with Devo Brown. He sticks to the PROFESSION of music. Some of those NYC hip-hop station personalities (Ms Info, Wendy, Star and Bucwild etc) would have asked them about some day and Jay-Z....marriage to Beyonce etc. Not our Devo! Brown is probably the most down to earth radio personality that I have encountered. They talked about movies, the tour, basketball and also their respective new albums!

To hear this terrific interview on Monday February 25th 2008, Go to
Select Downloads in the top menu
Scroll down to Exclusive FLOW 93.5 Interviews (Audio Mp3)
Click Jay-Z and Mary J Blige interview.
You better have Apple's Quicktime installed on your PC.

Thanks so much to Devo for the tip! I usually listen to the Flow Factor daily but I was on TV news assignment yesterday.

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