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Friday, September 19, 2008


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This morning Sept 18th 2008, I received this e-mail from Australia about the 2004 Australian Idol Casey Donovan story that I reported earlier this week. Please read the story first!

Hi Kemi

"I just wanted to thank you for including the youtube footage on your website with Casey's story, it was a real uplift to my spirits to remember all the wonderful performances she had on Idol, I still can't believe she was only 16 and the youngest ever Idol winner. Casey is recovering and trying to deal with the senseless act of violence against her. No-one can believe that anyone can be so deliberately vicious. We hope that there will be justice, but we do not expect a great outcome.

As her parents, her mother, Tracy & I are trying to find the positives from the situation, and we have been in contact with people in connection with action against violence toward women. We are looking at an opportunity for this incident to serve as a chance to highlight the problem and get better laws. At this stage it is a bit early to make definite plans but if there is any chance to make something good out of such a terrible circumstance, Casey will do what she can, and we will support her as best we can.

Thank you again for your interest."
Norm Axford

I wrote a comment in the Australian Daily Telegraph newspapers this morning on the story about what Australians are saying.........
"We at HipHossip are very sad about what happened. I personally spoke with Norm Axford, Casey's stepdad via e-mail. It is amazing how a woman can say she does not want to be bothered and yet a thug punches her in the face. In the US where I lived for 27 years, the woman may have pulled out a gun and fired a shot in self defense. Glad that did not happen. The suspect(s) need to be apprehended and prosecuted to the extent of the law."
Please keep Casey Donovan in your prayers. At 16 years old this girl was belting out songs. There were controversies surrounding Casey Donovan with regards to the
Sony BMG a damn good dynamic record label dropping her because "she did not fit the image they wanted." I mean, this girl literally went on TV to tell viewers she had lost weight. I am waiting for a statement from Sony BMG media relations people from North America on this issue if this is a regular practice with the Sony/BMG record label.

American Idol Reuben Studdard was obese, Fantasia's teeth were crooked and Canadian Jacob Hoggard are not the most attractive Idols/idol finalists but they weren't dropped because of looks?

When she fully recovers, I hope to do a phone chat with Casey. Read all about this wonderful girl and watch my fave videos below please......

Watch her sing"Listen with your heart"
Watch her interview on the Australian Morning Show
Watch her perform at the 2006 Yabun Festival in Australia

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