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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Did Nigerian lawmakers get clothing allowance before now? #HNNGov

Nigerians have reacted angrily to reports that legislators have awarded themselves millions of dollars in a combined clothing allowance.

A Nigerian newspaper (ThisDay) says that, under the so-called wardrobe allowance, every member of the Senate and House of Representatives will receive an average of about one hundred thousand dollars, over the course of the four year term.

Poverty is widespread in Nigeria with almost one hundred million Nigerians living on less than a dollar a day and many messages have been posted on social media, protesting against the allowance.

Here's what a few were saying on BBC Africa's page:

  • Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo
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  • Adediji Ademola May all those senators rot in hell all the days of thier lifes! Bunch of fools! Thiefs! They do practically nothing in the house of senate and representatives! Most of them sleep while proceedings is on! And most of them dont even talk at all. They are...See More
    Like · Reply · 100 · 4 hrs
  • Arinze Ikwuegbu National Assembly to receive N8.64 billion for wardrobe allowance. # Like they were naked until they became lawmakersand now we must clothe them to make law
    Like · Reply · 47 · 4 hrs
  • Ohagi Elochukwu Nicholas If a senator will pocket 21million naira as wardrobe allowance, I wonder how much President Buhari will be pocketing.

    Believe me, the change is a hoax and a sham.
    ...See More
    Like · Reply · 18 · 3 hrs
  • Ben Victor Thanks BBC AFRICA for the coverage. We are not happy with their selfishness. This is the height of ingratitude to the Nigerian people yet the APC led Federal government is talking about cutting costs of governance. Please tell them to walk their talk.
    Like · Reply · 18 · 4 hrs
  • Ike Festus Ike That's the change Nigerians are yearning for when the voted out Jonathan
    Like · Reply · 19 · 4 hrs
  • Nsikak Essien Poverty is not as pronounced as you portray here BBC. Many Nigerians live far above one dollar a day, stop painting Nigeria black. Though their allowances is outrageous and uncalled for, the new administration was sloganing change, maybe that's the change they've given Nigerians.
    Like · Reply · 10 · 4 hrs

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