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Friday, February 24, 2017

KLM tops the BEST international Airline in 2016 #HNNTravel #HNNTravel

Credits: Keminications Media

Royal Dutch Airlines Galapagos Islands brought me to Nigeria after my deportation from Canada. You may have read in the Toronto Sun that I came home in style. Aside from the $33,000 bribe from the Canadian government, now you know the other reason: KLM service!

10. Qantas – 15.7 percent
9. TAM Linhas Aéreas – 14.93 percent
8. Delta Air Lines – 14.83 percent
7. Singapore Airlines – 14.55 percent
6. ANA – 14.46 percent
5. Austrian – 14.26 percent
4. Qatar Airways – 13.66 percent
3. JAL – 12.2 percent
2. Iberia – 11.82 percent
1. KLM – 11.47 percent

#Israeli's El-Al tops the 10 WORST airlines of 2016 #HNNTravel

Image result for el al airlines

The Worst 10 International Airlines of 2016
10. Hainan Airlines – 30.3 percent
9. Korean Air – 31.74 percent
8. Air China – 32.73 percent
7. Hong Kong Airlines – 33.42 percent
6. China Eastern Airlines – 35.8 percent
5. Asiana Airlines – 37.46 percent
4. Philippine Airlines – 38.33 percent
3. Air India – 38.71 percent
2. Icelandair – 41.05 percent
1. El Al – 56 percent

5 things to get your #Twitter account major attention #HNNSocial #SMWLagos

Fresh Things to do with your Twitter Account in 2017

Everyone is on Twitter! Nigerians are leaving Facebook for Twitter but Facebook still has its own unique users. I am one of those unique users. I have a very engaging verified page. The competition is still fierce. Today many young people should get productive with their Twitter accounts and not just waste 10 hours daily tweeting for fun. Below are 5 vital things to do to get your account moving this year:

1. Go through your favourites now called “Likes” and delete any unnecessary tweets you liked. You can also save them as screenshots and open a folder on your device named screenshots. Keep your account as light as possible. I have 7000 likes and currently doing my screenshots now. It's a new year must or you will lose track of LIKED tweets you need later.

2. Begin monetizing your Twitter account. I taught this course online and was featured in Nigeria's leading daily newspaper The Punch twice in 2015 on how to make money from your account. Get clients who want their businesses tweeted to your followers. You may want to have two accounts, one personal, one for business. You could be making from $30-$50 per tweet in the beginning and up to $300 or more per tweet depending on what exactly you are tweeting. I tweet live TV shows, radio interviews, adverts, music promotions for artists and even shout out for ordinary people to get more followers and this was all before I even got verified. Now being verified my tweet rates are premium.

3. Get in the habit of running an unduplicated Twitter album. Some people just come to your account for the albums. Never tweet a photo more than twice. It becomes redundant. I realize that the need may arise for business tweets to show an image twice, get creative and ask the client for different images.

4. Twitter now shows you impressions of how many people viewed your tweets including the engagement figures on who retweeted or liked. View it daily to gauge who is following your work and what times hey are viewing your tweets.

5. Fill in your Twitter bio, birthday (which is so neat when Twitter releases balloons on your profile all day) and make your bio short and attractive. Sell yourself! Check mine @hnnafrica. Finally request verification of your account if you are a brand or public figure who has a likelihood of being impersonated. Branding is important on twitter. I do that for many clients. Contact me at to see if you are eligible.

With these 5 tips, you can be guaranteed of putting your Twitter account in the spotlight

Do #BlackLivesMatter?? #HNNSocial #SMWLagos

Do all Black Lives Really Matter?: The Politics of Selective Activism

I am an award winning drug abuse prevention specialist honored by a Mayor, Governor and the Justice Department in 1997 under the Clinton administration. One of my goals was to end drug abuse in Baltimore, Maryland by the year 2000. It was a solid goal. I teamed up with the world famous Johns Hopkins Hospital and began counseling pregnant women addicted to drugs at one of their clinics. I started my own program named MAP. "Mending Addiction and Pregnancy" where I gave expectant mothers the opportunity and directions like a map to quit the drug addiction life. As an outpatient staff pharmacist at the hospital, I moved to a community medical center equipped with a drug rehabilitation center owned by the hospital. I helped enroll hundreds of community members in the program getting people off drugs. A very tough and harsh medical treatment, many showed up to detoxify their bodies and at least 80% in the East Baltimore clinic were African-Americans.

A big challenge was the fact that some aspect of this drug war involved guns and community violence. The dealers who were bent on selling their drugs to the addicts, the middle men and children used in the drug trade were at such an early age. Many losing their lives because they either owed money or got double crossed. In 1988 several died. This was the crack cocaine era. By the time I got involved, it was 1996-1998. Back to the violence on the streets. The Black Lives Matter Movement has been so visible in the police brutality area of the African-American life, coupled with social media the movement has now been stronger than ever, but I don't think they are using their potentials to the max. Many of our young black men are killing each other at record rates over drugs, guns and gang turfs. It is alarming in Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit and other urban cities.

Why isn't BLM using their powerful voice to talk about this issue, maybe in a rally titled "Let's stop Black on Black Crime." Doing that also has another negative angle to some black minds. It means "helping the police" solve crimes aka snitching. I am known as the Snitchlady on social media and feel that no matter how many bad officers there are out there, there is an equal amount of good ones. Black citizens must report crimes, report illegal guns as this prevents them from being used, something I learned volunteering for the Toronto Police in my Canadian neighborhood. After I was kicked out of Canada by the conservative gun loving government, the Toronto Police issued their own statements to all media commending my work saying that they would not have solved some crimes if not being associated with me plus some information came very timely to them and other police jurisdictions.

Black Lives Matter has a huge impact in the black community and can actually put a stop to black on black crime. They should use their powerful voices to address the internal issues we blacks have in our own communities. Do not let us practice "selective activism" anymore. Let’s activate on all problems in our global communities.

I have been in Journalism since 1994. This article has never been published and was solidly REJECTED at the Washington Post Opinion desk. I have written Opinion articles for Baltimore Times, Toronto Sun, Nigerian Tribune and others for years. There are still many black people like me that tell the truth and keep it real. Go figure...

Bring Back the Presidential Media Chat! #HNNSocial #SMWLagos @ProfOsinbajo

Bring Back the Nigerian Presidential Media Chat this 2017!

Remember the last week of December 2015, The Nigerian Presidency announced a Presidential Media Chat with a 24-hour notice. Nigerians were excited as many had serious questions for the President Muhammadu Buhari. This chat was hashtagged #PresidentialMediaChat #PMBMediachat and was hosted and led by Channels TV’s General manager Kayode Akintemi along with journalists from three other media houses namely an online newspaper, a regular newspaper and a broadcast conglomerate. Earlier that night I tweeted my followers stating that these media chats are a waste of time without Sahara Reporters, #HNNAfrica, The Cable Ng, Signal Ng and Breaking Times. These are the busiest online media platforms Nigerians are actually reading. Sahara then took my tweet and pinned it for some hours asking their followers to retweet if they agreed and like if they did not. The retweets won.

The fact remains that social media is the hub powering such events these days. People were watching their president address the nation through Journalists asking questions and also receiving feedback from home audiences. This was not a call in show. People were asked to tweet Buhari their questions by using the hashtag #AskBuhari. So why wasn’t a panel of online newsrooms included? I have always seen this as a bad logistic in the media chats even in the last administration with President Goodluck Jonathan. Online newsrooms are the future of social media. The other three journalists in the Akintemi led panel had individual twitter handles with less than 33 followers and not worth following as they did not tweet news to their audiences.

Many of we online newsroom have also been snubbed at award shows honouring media like the Nigerian Media Merit awards and others. People hardly buy newspapers anymore, they read most of them online and they interact on the top two investigative ones #HNNAfrica and Sahara Reporters. #HNNAfrica was recently featured in the December 21st -27th I-trends report as the 9th of the top 10 influencers on Twitter globally. During the media chat, Akintemi told audiences to tweet their questions to @ChannelsTV in addition to the #AskBuhari hashtag so that Channels staff could pull the questions out of Twitter and thus my reason for calling it sponsored by Channels. In the past it used to be NTA’s Cyril Stober and others that led these panels. The use of social media by the society deserves more credible online newsrooms on the next media chat.

I shall put my own request in especially now that President Buhari urges more journalists to do more investigative journalism. I am a leader at that. Nigerians don't like investigative journalism unless it's investigating a politician. I have been investigating megapastors, actresses and scam artists of all kinds. My journalism ethics is no favours, no bribes and no fear! Trust me we have more questions for Buhari on issues around Nigeria. It’s time for half traditional media and the other half online media to take part in Presidential media chats. Buhari is currently on a medical leave that may be indefinite for now.

Why kids NEED mobile devices in SCHOOL! #HNNSocial #SMWLagos

The Need to Access Mobile Devices in School Emergencies

In December 2015 I had a major emergency. I was livid, frantic and scared when my 15-year-old son KJ, a social media guru since 6-years-old went missing after school here in Nigeria. This is the second time this has happened in his lifetime. The first time it was in Canada when I sent him to buy some fast food at 12-years-old and he never returned for 7 hours. The Toronto Police service began tracking him by tweeting his nickname with the hashtag #KayJeezy and putting his photo in the news. He was holding our joint ATM debit card for the purchase and looking at online banking records we tracked the purchase of food at 6.30pm. He left at 6.15pm and by 1am he was found asleep in the stairwell of my apartment building and had eaten the food. He was upset before he left home as we had an argument and said he wanted to run away. He was later counselled by the school psychologist on those feelings and he was OK.

What happened in his Nigerian school will stun you. KJ is more mature now and a teenager and has been briefed well about security problems in Nigeria including kidnappings. At 4pm when my son normally ends school and arrives by 4.30pm, he never showed up. By 5.45pm, I started to worry. At 6.15pm my son did not return home and I asked our driver that he should go over to the school to trace his steps. What happened next shocked me. He said KJ was LOCKED inside the private school building and the gates were also locked shut with everyone gone. It was now dusk at 7pm. I called the Principal and her phone was turned off.

In Nigeria people may be charging their phones due to sporadic power outages or just switched it off for the day. However my child was in the school helpless and crying through the windows pleading for help from the driver who couldn’t hear his voice as he was banging through glass from an upstairs building. KJ is asthmatic, didn’t have his inhaler in case of an emergency and no phone on him to call us or tweet us from his Twitter and Instagram handle since 2009 @Iamswagkid

When the driver came back, I decided to go to the police, something the principal asked me why I did? What else could I do? People in Nigeria are so scared of police, hey never want them involved because of quick arrests which our cops are known for. However this was MY CHILD! What if a fire broke out in that building? I spoke to the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) aka Suprintendent of the station who had 4 armed officers escort me with their Hilux police truck as it was now dusk and darkness set in at 7.30pm. We met the Principal and Head Teacher who locks up at the end of the day both profusely apologizing to me. One of the officers demanded we all come to the station to see the DPO. It turned out that my son fell asleep while reading in class as it was after exams and students weren’t required to come. Other classes had students but not his class. So when school closed, nobody knew he was actually in there. His teacher admitted a big mistake not checking KJ before locking up, something they call “clearing the building” in modern countries.

The previous week a 13-year-old mentally handicapped girl was left overnight in a school in America. The teacher and Principal were fired by the school board. Most schools are public schools and parents could sue for millions. What could KJ have done? Phones are banned in his school because of social media use and was once seized from him. In America, phones are allowed but turned on only in emergencies or during recess. After the Columbine high school massacre in Colorado in the 90’s, I was one of the gun violence advocates that fought for the right to let the student have their cell phones to call parents or first responders. Many of the students that got killed were in the cafeteria and library and could not get to the office for help when two of their classmates opened fire all over the school killing several.

What would KJ have done with a phone? He said he would have tweeted me or called if he had credit on his line. Social media postings are also critical when you see your child tweeting or inboxing you on Facebook in an emergency. I could not imagine if he had an asthma attack or a fire breaking out in the building. My child could have died in both circumstances but the school learned a valuable lesson here. I will petition for the use of a phone to be carried at all times by him and others. KJ normally walks home with classmates. They were absent that day due to exam breaks and optional attendance. The school has reviewed safety procedures now but I still have an issue of carrying a mobile phone for emergencies and not just for phone calls but for social media emergency use.

Are u MORE POPULAR than me? U need a VERIFIED Facebook page #HNNSocial #SMWLagos

The Need for  Facebook Fanpage when your profile page is popular.

I no longer use my Facebook profile friends page because I am too popular. However after three years of closing it, I reopened it just to feed my BeBee articles and tweets. I don't interact or grant friend requests. It's too full anyway and everyone is a follower. If you think you are showing off saying that, think again. I have seen many Africans open three Facebook profile pages simply because their popularity had soared and they did not want to leave friends behind. Facebook notified me in 2008 that if your friends become more that 5000, you should opt out and get a fanage.

By the time my personal page was 5012 friends, I simply activated “followers” another Facebook service that allows friends that can’t be in your personal page be able to engage on your posts. Followers became 5,500 giving me close to 10,000 fans and friends. At that point, I closed the page and started an all new fan page in 2013. That page is and it’s the page I still maintain today with 78,000 fans and verified by Facebook to prevent impersonation something rampant with my name.

Many popular Nigerians have opened up to 3 accounts and it could be time consuming posting the same status on every personal page. Besides it does not give your friends equal access. Sometimes the page owner forgets to post the same thing or even engage people equally on those pages. Journalists like me are strongly encouraged to open a fan page, I was the only verified active Journalist on Facebook in Nigeria for a 3 year period and now there are three of us. Many don’t even have a fan page let alone verified.

I strongly urge popular personalities to do the same in opening a fan page. Xtian Dela is a Kenyan personality known as the Twitter King in Kenya and a Top 3 Influencer on Social Media Africa, but Dela also has a Facebook page that is verified. Try opening a fan page. You could be more popular that you think and Facebook may verify you. Gather your fans in one place. *winks*

Is your ADDICTIVE chat app the BEST for you? #HNNSocial #SMWLagos

The Unique Qualities of Many Social Chat Platforms

There are several messaging and chat apps on social media today. In the beginning, America Online (AOL) started the phenomenon then Yahoo and MSN messengers later evolved. Years later the Blackberry phone was created rolling out one of the largest messenger applications only on Blackberry phones and was called BBM or BlackBerry Messenger. Today there are WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat and even BBM which is now available to anyone on their devices be it a Blackberry or any other devices.

These apps can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple store and once it gets to your devices, you can begin using them. The BBM app still has fierce competition with the WhatsApp one here in Africa. Young people have the opportunity of making free app calls on the latter while BBM is limited to broadcasts, chats and other news features. Africans are overwhelmed with scratching phone cards to make calls and thus phone companies are giving promotional discounts literarily on every recharge. They are in competition with several chat and messenger apps.

WhatsApp is the most commonly used chat app in Africa according to tech magazines and it is more popular because of the ability to make free phone calls aside from the chat features. Snapchat is very commonly used outside Africa most especially in the United States. The ability to use Snapchat is still challenging for many users in Africa because of the limitations of wifi. Without 4G wifi strength, Snapchat is very weak as most Internet service providers in Africa supply 3G services. When I use my 4G wifi, I connect well on Snapchat though the so called "4G" is really a broadband connection going thru a provider's server through a pocketsize modem.

Yahoo and MSN continues to thrive in online chat while Facebook Messenger still thrives on the free phone calls but the party you are calling has to be on Facebook and you should know the privacy disclaimer when using it. Your voice may be recorded. Find the chat app that suits you best. There are many and as a social media expert, I use all of them.

How I make GOOD CASH on my Instagram ads #HNNSocial #SMWLagos

How Instagram Adverts Can Net You Good Money

Many of you have seen beverage and fast food adverts on my instagram and linked to my Facebook account. These are referred to as Instagram ads. Instagram is owned by Facebook and you can manage your ads via a Facebook fan page as well. Creating an Instagram ad does not need rocket science or a fan page. Once you upload the image of a client company and the text content you want displayed, you bill the advertiser who is getting a lifetime ad which remains permanent on your IG account regardless of the photo feed moving.

Africans are addicted to the social media platform Instagram. Every day I meet someone who says they left Twitter and Facebook to join instagram and that is the only platform they now use. Well, make good use of it and make money from it especially if you have a lot of followers. What’s a lot you ask? Over 1000 followers can net you small cash which is something you can start with. Open an Instagram account, do an advert and get paid. One way to get noticed is to share your Instagram posts on other platforms such as your personal Facebook page, Twitter, Tumblr, Swarm or Flickr an option IG gives you.

Make your ads readable. Don’t drown it with excessive text and make sure you have contact information on it. You do not have to limit yourself. Here in Nigeria, many music stars trend on twitter simply because fans keep talking about them. Why promote an artist free when you could promote their music for them on your Instagram account for a small fee. Try instagram ads today. Glance at today to see some of my ads under #HNNAdvert.

Does your Country's government use #socialmedia well? #HNNSocial #SMWLagos

Government Agencies and Social Media Use.

Today several Government agencies are on social media. In the US and Canada where I spent 35 years, the police departments were the first to appear on them. Toronto Police Service was the first law enforcement agency to get on social media specifically Facebook and Twitter. They used it to interact with the public and the turnout was initially low as some citizens were scared of commenting on a police page.

Later the audience grew and every topic was discussed. I remember leaving Canada and the TPS released statements that “she has the ability to bring people together on social media that we as a department couldn’t do”. I was a police volunteer convincing people to speak out on gun violence, police brutality and even the death of an officer caused by an alleged criminal.

In Africa, the Nigerian Senate, many Governors, Senators and members of government are on social media, many with verified accounts. Not every single one but quite a large amount. The Nigerian government has signed up most federal agencies on Twitter and Facebook and with the small amount of followers, their voices are still heard by the public. From the Federal Ministry of Information to the Federal Road Safety Corps, many healthy and robust updates are made daily that affect the quality of life of the public. We are still demanding the Federal Ministry of health back on twitter as well as the NAFDAC food and drug health sector.

Kenya is another country in Africa that has excelled on social media. President Uhuru Kenyatta is on Twitter and Facebook and so is Margaret Kenyatta his wife and First Lady who participates in many daily events. However Nigeria’s wife of the president Aisha Buhari only uses Twitter and not Facebook. State government agencies are also very prominent on social media in both countries and they still have to promote their presence to the public.

During the Ebola crisis, the Sierra Leonean Ministry of Health was using Facebook with a closed wall. The public could not speak out on the disease and what was happening in their communities. I called them to let them know and it was opened later as knowing how to use social media is important. If you are a government agency, you want to be heard by the public. By the end of 2017, more African government agencies will eventually have a social media platform.

I'm a YouTube Millionaire! What about you? #HNNSocial #SMWLagos


So many social media opportunities not tapped into in Africa and we are even losing money we don’t know in the process. Google started YouTube monetization years ago and many in Africa have not tapped into this lucrative business for self employment income. The Punch newspapers, Nigeria’s leading daily reported that I made $25,000 on my YouTube channels in 2011. I monetized two channels, posted my videos and depending on how many views I got, I was paid a few to a lot of dollars. The dollar is very strong in Nigeria and one could make some lucrative cash.

Monetization of your YouTube channel is easy. Set up your account, fill every single area with your information and then start uploading videos. Most of my videos on my current channel are watched mostly in Australia and India according to analytic figures I have access to. YouTube gives you analytics access to see who’s viewing your videos in what country around the globe. What you consider as ordinary footage may be premium footage in another country. My cooking Akara (fried bean cakes) or juicing a watermelon in my backyard may be of interest to someone else. My American friends say they like my videos in the outdoor markets speaking to people about issues in the community.

Many Africans are videotaping car accident scenes, funny events, cooking and more and they just upload it to show it off and have no knowledge that it can earn them serious cash. If you get 1000 views on a video you may earn as much as $10 in some cases. What about the music artists who get a million views on Vevo, YouTube’s premium platform? They earn extra cool cash when they monetize their portals. Once your channel is set up, click the button that says monetize after uploading a video. YouTube reviews it promptly and a green light indicates you have been cleared to monetize your video. You must setup an Adsense account so that you will receive your earnings which are in US Dollars. Answer a few questions and link it to your bank account. Like I said earlier with the dollar rate in Nigeria, you could be raking in some big cash.

A Korean woman in New York cooks her lunch daily in her kitchen and many are glued to the Korean food and ingredients used. She made $250,000 one year and I was one of those viewers. There are comedians and even “Vloggers” who have video blogs and do personal videos daily for their fans. Time is of the essence. While these days I don’t have much time to do much personal videos, I still manage to show my cooking and health tips under my #VitaminKemi playlist. Many of you upload videos to Facebook, Vimeo and other platforms that don’t reward you by monetizing your videos, just make sure you duplicate them on YouTube and get that one platform working for you. Happy monetizing!

Monday, February 13, 2017

#HNNMemorial Remembering the N20 traitor General Muritala Muhammed 41 yrs later

Image may contain: 1 person

Feb 13th 1976 I was 11yo when Mr N20 was gunned down and there was chaos everywhere that morning as we were locked up in school. Murtala Muhammad was NOT a hero. He was taught to us in history as one. Him and Col. Ibrahim Taiwo were in charge of the 2nd infantry div in #Asaba #Delta and ordered 700 men to line up and chant "One Nigeria" during the #Biafra war and they still SHOT them all one by one 🇳🇬🔫☠and the troops raped their daughters and wives.

On Feb 13th 1976 Taiwo was also assassinated as Governor of Kwara state the same morning. Fuckn military traitors that Karma caught up with and they conveniently took history out of schools. I do not accept N20 notes in Nigeria. Only two 10's

#AccessNollywood Peggy Ovire also reluctant to talk about her prostitution visit to #Gambian dictator

#AccessNollywood Angela Okorie breaks up a young couple, dates music producer on the side!

#HNNBooks Meet Mildred Mark and Thurston Scott, a lovely young couple with a dream...Until @realangelaokorie showed up and wanted a piece of Scott. After her husband left her due to continuous prostitution as he stated, Angela lied to Vanguard newspapers and was dishing advice to her female fans on marriage when hers had actually crashed! Angela fled to #Asaba and SNATCHED Scott a music producer and she rented a flat, moved in with him destroying a sweet relationship with Mildred. Mildred's best friend spoke in depth to @HNNAfrica and some of the things she said will shock u in #ACCESSNOLLYWOOD my #audiobook #HNNInvestigates Pre-Order now: Payment Details First Bank of Nigeria Sort Code : FBNINGLA Name: Olukemi Olunloyo #HNNBooks Account number 3020832750 Contact Amber at for the status of your order. Once payment has been made, send your recept to our email and you receive your digital download Amount N5000 per chapter Chapter 1 released February 1st 2017. Other chapters follow A catalogue of audio and e-books will be available in the #HNNStore opening on next week. LIKE THE PAGE. #madamhnn👑
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#AccessNollywood Actress Sharon Francis refuses to tell me why she was with Gambian Dictator?

#AccessNollywood Why 16 #Nollywood stars DIED of health related reasons in 2016

A photo posted by KEMI 👑#MadamHNN 💻 (@hnnafrica) on

#AccessNollywood Actress Moyo Lawal DENIES affair with #Gambian Dictator

#AccessNollywood How Dayo Amusa slept with INEC official, Ikorodu thug (her Mecca sponsors)

#AccessNollywood How Georgina Onuoha collapsed when her husband lost his medical license

#AccessNollywood Angela Okorie and her Yahoo boy who she allegedly gave Jammeh's money

@Regrann from @hnnafrica - #BREAKING Preview my #audiobook #AccessNollywood now. Chapter 1 features @realangelaokorie who campaigned and got $1.5M from a dictator who tortured and killed his opponents and forced his people into poverty. Okorie called #yahyajammeh a man of the people. She used that money that belongs to the #Gambian people to fund her various prostitution activities in #Nigeria, most importantly to pamper #OvieAmeh the high and mighty #YahooBoy in #Sapele #Jesse #Delta state #Nigeria. Almost every single picture on Okorie's IG with her son Chamberlaine was taken in Ovie's pad. The badass #Audi was also purchased with some of that Gambian money. Ovie is here posing with WADS of American dollars next to his Range Rover. There's Angela near the Audi in an expensive sports track suit. In a heavily pirated movie industry with little funding from the selfish Nigerian government, these #Nollywood stars manage to stay RICH thru shady means! Okorie's estranged husband told #HNNAfrica he left her due to constant prostitution activities. A catalogue of audio and e-books will be available in the #HNNStore opening on next week. LIKE THE PAGE. #madamhnn👑 - #regrann
A video posted by KEMI 👑#MadamHNN 💻🐝 (@hnnafricanewsarchives) on

#AccessNollywood How many #Nollywood ladies benefitted from Seun Egbegbe's THEFT

@Regrann from @hnnafrica - #AccessNollywood my audiobook is almost here. Preorder yours now at Seun @egbegbe1 the CEO of Ebony films production accused of using rituals to hypnotize salesmen all over #Nigeria to steal gadgets. His girlfriend spilled all to me on how the charms failed one day at Computer Village. Then retailers came from all over the map telling me he's stolen gadgets from them. GoTV decoders, more phones totaling 36, N400k worth of recharge cards, make up, furniture and the list goes on. Egbegbe bad mouthed my media platform calling it fake. Nigerian fans supporting an alleged THIEF. We live in a fraudulent country! Hear the scoop in my audio book and how Egbegbe sent an innocent man to jail after stealing 15 phones from #Onaj electronic store in #Ibadan now OUT OF BUSINESS! He's got several cases pending and fled to #Malaysia where I contacted Malaysian police and immigration who extradited him back home for his February 18th court date for the CV iPhone case. - #regrann
A video posted by KEMI 👑#MadamHNN 💻🐝 (@hnnafricanewsarchives) on

#AccessNollywood Nkiri Sylvanus Special Adviser to Pussy for Okorocha #HNNShowbiz

#accessnollywood I grew up with Rochas in Ibadan. He gave back to the community here a lot. It was the Igbos in #Ibadan that mobilized his winning the governorship back home. Rochas created a form of eye opening corruption in his government which he quickly scrapped after I spoke loud. Many of you are dumb fools on the internet and don't research my work just ranting that I'm picking on celebrities. Should Rochas have a special adviser in Imo state for "Lagos affairs?" Clearly the fleecing of Imo state funds. Should Oyo state choose me as Special Adviser for Boko Haram affairs since we have a lot of Ibadan ppl in Maiduguri? Bullshit! Then my snitches told me Nkiru Sylvanus was even banging the Governor, his wife read my post and she was FIRED! Get rid of all these NON ESSENTIAL #Nollywood political appointees siphoning our money via corruption. Get my book soon #accessnollywood #hnninvestigates #HNNWomen
A photo posted by KEMI 👑#MadamHNN 💻🐝 (@hnnafricanewsarchives) on

#AccessNollywood Bisi Ibidapo-Obe Melaye and Obanikoro's Prostitute #HNNShowbiz

What does STFU mean? This Nigerian man ASKS? #HNNEducation

A photo posted by KEMI 👑#MadamHNN 💻🐝 (@hnnafricanewsarchives) on

Knee Faces? Too many blow jobs? See Georgina Onuoha's disfigured knees #HNNShowbiz

#Nollywood actress Mimi Orjikwere is SCARED of her unborn baby's paternity after I caught her with Gambian Dictator #HNNShowbiz

#AccessNollywood #hnninvestigates #hnnwomen Dear Mimi Orjiekwe, when I caught you in #GAMBIA in November 2016, I was disgusted. As a Nollywood actress, you too trooped along with the rest of the prostitutes to a dictator's campaign for money. Isn't your husband's name Charles Billion? Gambian Journalists gave me this snapchat of you "chilling with Mr President" on a farm inspection. #YahyaJammeh was giggling in the video "my Nollywood girls are here". You are a total disgrace to Nigeria! Supporting a dictator who forced his people into poverty and tortured his own opponents killing some. Now you are pregnant and so many tips in my email from snitches saying you hid your pregnancy from Billion because it's NOT HIS! My snitch said you sought out @georginaonuoha for a safe abortion cos she knows a good Abuja doctor that could terminate the pregnancy that late. Unfortunately it is too risky and now you are flashing your belly like the other tasteless mothers to be. You say you know the father of your baby. You brought this embarrassment upon yourself. Your husband may even do a paternity test to rule out Jammeh. Stop whoring yourselves and expect your enemies won't reach out to a damn good investigate journalist. I have seen your response to the social media rumours in today's PUNCH interview. Seun Egbegbe's side chick inboxed me about his charms for hypnotizing sales ppl. Ndidi is the name of my tipster and its a fake email set up I can't track thats why I released that first name. Mimi, Ndidi says Charles Billion your husband wants to talk to me. There is trouble in paradise. All you pregnant Nollywood women need to lay low. I am an investigative journalist that will go thru any lenght to find facts. Billion here u go #madamhnn👑 #kemiolunloyo
A photo posted by KEMI 👑#MadamHNN 💻🐝 (@hnnafricanewsarchives) on

Why is The Nigerian government announcing a conversation between Buhari and Trump? #HNNGov

Nigerians are not impressed with this "Africa Day" development. President Trump is said to be talking to South Africa's Zuma and Nigeria's Buhari this afternoon. The health issue with Buhari still lingers and Nigerians are still waiting to hear what they talked about but won't get to hear their voices, something that's not done anyway so why announce to us with such fanfare?

A #Nollywood Star was the Ambassador for NAFDAC. Political Prostitution #HNNHealth

Stop acting like bastards! Start contributing your part to Nigeria. Most of you are stupid senseless liars, cheats and frauds. You sit there commenting against everything in society and do nothing about it. I'm going hard on you. A gospel singer has died because of the ignorance in the health sector. A Nollywood star was the Ambassador to NAFDAC supposed to avoid buying of fake malaria drugs. Why wasn't a pharmacist like me also a medical reporter the ambassador? Keep up the bullshit--KOO

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Is that seat NEAR Jay and Bey for #BlueIvy? #Grammys #HNNMusic

Kevin Winters/Getty
I just love the seating arrangements at these award shows. First Jay-Z and Beyonce gets a good seat while they sit Kendrick Lamar and Schoolboy Q of all people together. That seat between them is for? I hope it's Blue Ivy cos she better be coming again this year.The Grammy awards is tonight! Lets hope I'm awake to cover it. You know it's really a Monday morning affair in these parts due to the time difference. Search #HNNMusic for coverage.

Why I'm aiming to be @BeBee's LEADING African user and Brand Ambassador #HNNSocial

I discovered BeBee the new professional social network on a feed on twitter which belonged to John White whom a friend of mine was following. I began following him too. Today I follow just about all the company's executives and they follow me too as well as the different handles of the brand. I RETWEET almost everything on my verified Facebook and Twitter platforms because it is information I pass along to the African market that could use it.

Still relatively new here in Africa, we are the continent that uses the internet the most these days because of the mobile phone explosion. Landlines have virtually disappeared in most African countries with billions of mobile devices taking over. Start ups and crowdfunding are prominent in Africa and social networks are investing heavily. I want to be part of BeBee's emergence here.

Being a US trained professional in Pharmacy, Journalism and PR, I am one of the most controversial people on the continent partly for my loud voice about social issues. Jobs for example, Africans don't fully understand the concept of "networking". They are constantly blaming their respective governments on the unemployment issue. I started HNNAfrica out of a former leading music blog in Canada HipHossip Music Blog now HipHossip News Net (HNN).

A little bit of cash and internet access, I sourced for ads and sell posts on my world news blog, Facebook and Twitter pages. I have two controversial instagram news pages @HNNAfrica and @HNNAfricanewsarchives. One personal, one work. I go deep in investigative journalism and fish out corrupt public figures bankrupting the system. Many celebrities are involved in this and their fans come attacking me. Investigative journalism is not welcome in Nigeria but it is here to stay. There is even an annual prize for it now and the President welcomes it but still many journalists are "scared". I was US trained, with no fear, no bribes and no favours.

HNNAfrica uses innovative hashtags all over the internet. Best place to explore them is on Instagram's search bar. Go there right after reading this article. Explore #HNNFood to see my food stories and awesome African cooking, #HNNMusic for my music coverage, #HNNRoyalty for some rich royal family coverage and #HNNHealth for health stories. There is #HNNMoney #HNNImpact #HNNGov #HNNPolitics #HNNShowBiz #HNNMemorial #HNNTerror #HNNRadio gives you newscasts and #HNNTV provides videos. I even have #HNNClapback which is a new form of entertainment when someone feels they've ripped a celebrity or myself and give them a hot answer back. Name your HNN hashtag and there's one.

With no staff and working independently brings a lot of work. I am hiring interns and a business manager this spring and hopefully a lifelong dream of having a small staff and some exposure on cable TV and FM/AM radio is the ultimate goal. Africa is not big on AM radio bands, something we can be using for daytime talk radio with all the issues we have here. I am a radio person of 24 years and started and both slash HNNAfrica with newscasts and podcasts.

With BeBee, this kind of networking with other African professionals could be endless. Being a brand Ambassador could enhance things on this side of the world. Being multifaceted means being an endless networking professional. I am currently planning a social media tour across Nigeria and later the continent on many things we can use to socially network professionally. BeBee has shown me love as you can see above. A massive number of retweetsand following on their handles shocked me. (I love you too BeBee) The marketing potential here could be endless. I therefore named myself the #AfricanKillaBee on my Twitter @HNNAfrica handle. Time to make some deep dark African honey darling! Tell your pals to join me here on and @HNNAfrica on all social media. My blog is at

--KOO #MadamHNN

#BREAKING (Photos) Nothing WRONG with James Ibori Thanksgiving reception #HNNGov

The thanksgiving service in honour of former Delta State Governor, Chief James Onanefe Ibori, who recently returned to Nigeria after serving a jail term in London for money laundering took place at the First Baptist Church, Oghara, Delta State.

The service which started at about 10am was attended by several traditional rulers across the state including the Ovie of Oghara, Ovie of Ughelli, Ovie of Evwreni among others.

Immediate past governor of Delta State, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan, former Police Affairs Minister and his wife, Alaowie and Mrs Broderick Bozimo, Senator Emmanuel Aguariavwodo, Mr Ovuozourie Macaulay, Chief Solomon Fukekeme, Senator Patrick Osakwe and Mr Festus Ovie Agas, among others.

Goes to show you that people love their own regardless of their past misgivings. Who would think Fayose will be re-elected again and given a second chance to improve Ekiti state? I think Ibori has been corrected. He went to a correctional institution in the UK. If it were in Nigeria, he may not see a day in jail. I'm for second chances. Move on Ibori. Happy Thanksgiving!

Nigerian Feds recover another $151M, so what happens to these monies and the recession? #HNNMoney

Image result for andrew yakubu loot

Federal Government said it recovered another $151m and N8bn looted funds from three sources through whistle-blowers.

The Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, in a statement issued on Sunday in Lagos, said actionable information given by whistle-blowers to the office of the Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of the Federation led to the recovery of the looted fund.

He said the looted funds do not include the $9.2m in cash allegedly owned by a former Group Managing Director of the NNPC, also a dividend of the whistle-blower policy.

He said, “The biggest amount of $136.7m was recovered from an account in a commercial bank, where the money was kept under an apparently fake
account name.

“This was followed by N7bn and $15m from another person and N1bn from yet another.”

The minister reiterated the position of government that there was a primitive and mindless looting of the national treasury under the last administration.

He said the whistle-blower policy has started yielding fruit, few months after its adoption by the government.

He said, “The whistle-blower policy is barely two months old and Nigerians have started feeling its impact, how a few people squirrelled away public funds.

“It is doubtful if any economy in the world will not feel the impact of such mind-boggling looting of the treasury as was experienced in Nigeria.

“Yet whatever has been recovered so far, including the $9.2m by the EFCC, is just a tip of the iceberg.”

The minister appealed to Nigerians with useful information on looted funds to continue to provide the authorities with such information, saying confidentiality will be maintained with regards to the source of the information.

He also reminded Nigerians of the financial reward aspect of the policy. “If there is a voluntary return of stolen or concealed public funds or assets on the account of the information provided, the whistle blower may be entitled to anywhere between 2.5 per cent (Minimum) and 5.0 per cent (Maximum) of the total amount recovered.”


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

#BREAKING Why #KemiOlunloyo LEFT the #OurMumuDonDo Movement #HNNImpact

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LETTER OF RESIGNATION TO CHARLES OPUTA #CHARLY BOY. Charles I bring u some bad news today. Im very sorry I have to leave your project #Ourmumudondo. I thought it out very well and there are massive conflict of interests. I am investigating Nollywood and the music business for corruption. Lots of it. Many of these people are your friends. They dont want to be investigated because they feel only the politicians are corrupt. Their fans feel the same way. I do not protest on Nigerian soil due to what happened after #FreeCiaxon when the DSS detained us for three hours and I used my name to get us freed only to be lied on by some protesters. Pls read it on Omojuwa's blog. That happened in 2014. Back to #IstandwithNigeria I will support projects addressing all corruption not just government corruption. There are people in the corporate world involved in corruption linked to government, there are actors, actresses, musicians linked to government funds in all kinds of stylish ways, Hon Jibrin once tweeted money used for entertainment with prostitutes by House members, he got suspended. The war on corruption is more than a protest march. Even Omoyele Sowore of Sahara Reporters has been paid by both political parties for media coverage and services, Olamide has performed at wedding receptions of Buhari and Ajimobi's daughters. Who are we fighting? I have a job to do as an investigative journalist. To uproot corruption means to uproot every facet of it. Pls accept my resignation. I have been called every possible name blasted online with fake documents, criminal records, had sex with my father, sexually molested my children, wanted in America etc etc by D list Nollywood actresses. Investigating the investigator only creates an element of suspicion. Many of our actresses trooped out to Gambia for cash campaigning for a dictator who forced his own people into poverty and tortured plus killed his political opponents. A South South governor tried  to launder part of his bailout money and gave it to a US based mistress, we should all make noise about this. Even media corruption is on my radar. CONTINUED ON THE NEXT POST.
A photo posted by KEMI 👑#MadamHNN 💻 (@hnnafricanewsarchives) on

A photo posted by KEMI 👑#MadamHNN 💻 (@hnnafricanewsarchives) on

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