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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Houston Man Sentenced to Life for Infecting 23-Month-Old Niece and 14-Year-Old Girl With HIV #HNNCrime

David Wilson

A Houston sex offender will spend the rest of his life in prison for molesting 2 young girls and infecting them with HIV.

A jury took just one hour to convict David Wilson, 34, of infecting his 23-month-old niece and a 14-year-old girl with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

The toddler was also infected with chlamydia and genital herpes.

Wilson buried his head in his hands when his life sentence was read aloud in court on Thursday, Mar. 17.

He previously served four years in prison for molesting a child in 2005, according to ABC13 News.

ABC13 — Wilson was charged with super aggravated sexual assault of a child. The enhanced charge is because of the age of the victim. She was only 23 months old at the time. We have also been told that the child is Wilson’s niece.
A court document states that the assault occurred last year. The toddler’s parents are said to have lived out of state, had drug problems, and sent their daughter to live with family in Houston. The child is the daughter of Wilson’s sister.

With files from Sandra Rose 

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