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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Remembering my former Mayor of #Toronto Rob Ford #HNMemorial

Rob Ford was just a nice guy, coached football to young kids and was the Mayor of Toronto when I was there. He died this week from Liposarcoma, a little known cancer that was hard to treat with chemotherapy. Below is a write up best written by the New York Times. Ford went international. 

Rob Ford, the combative former mayor of Toronto who gained international notoriety with his confession of crack cocaine use, his public drunkenness and his belligerent clashes with other public officials, died on Tuesday. He was 46.

His office announced his death but gave no other details. Mr. Ford had been undergoing treatment for malignant liposarcoma, a rare form of cancer, since September 2014.

Along with his brother Doug, Mr. Ford was a controversial figure in Toronto politics for years, drawing support largely from conservative residents of suburban communities that had been absorbed into the City of Toronto. In 2013 he acknowledged smoking crack cocaine during one of his “drunken stupors,” as he put it.

After his cancer diagnosis, Mr. Ford withdrew from his mayoral re-election campaign in favor of his brother, who was defeated. But Rob Ford did win the seat on the City Council that Doug Ford had held.

The son of a millionaire, Mr. Ford built his power base among mainly blue-collar, right-wing voters — “the Ford Nation,” he called them — in five former municipalities that joined Toronto in 1998. Mr. Ford was a lifelong resident of one such suburb, Etobicoke, where he was born on May 28, 1969.

He echoed his constituents’ view that urban elitists were inflating taxes through social service programs and excessively generous contracts with public sector unions.

In office he took a bellicose approach to governing, engaging in profanity-laden shouting matches with City Council members and journalists.

Mr. Ford ran for mayor in 2010 after the incumbent, David Miller, a center leftist, decided not to seek re-election after a 39-day garbage strike, which had created the impression that the city was heading out of control. The Ford brothers concentrated their campaign on the suburbs, promising to “stop the gravy train” at City Hall.

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