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Friday, April 18, 2008

Frank Lucas of the American Gangster fame's son suing NYPD for $25 million!!!

The Son of the Former Heroin dealer and celebrated snitch Frank Lucas is suing the New York Police Department for $25 million dollars. According to the New York Daily News "Frank Lucas Jr., an aspiring rapper, claims that police used excessive force and harassed him, after an arrest on Staten Island, New York last month."Frank Lucas, most recently made famous for Denzel Washington playing his life in American Gangster, has a son in NYC who is a rapper.

Frank Lucas Jr. says he was racially profiled in March when the NYPD stopped a car driven by his manager who is white and found a bag of weed residue in it. He says when the NYPD learned of his identity, they shouted insults and slurs. Frank Lucas Jr. says "I have no desire to be 'American Gangster Jr.,'" continuing "As far as I'm concerned, I'm definitely not proud of a lot of things my dad did to rise out of his circumstances." Jr was eventually arrested and charged with misdemeanor possession and both men spent two nights in jail. His lawyer says the NYPD attack him because of who his father is, saying. We hear "One officer said, 'You're Frank Lucas's son and a rapper? You got two strikes against you,' " Lucas said.

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