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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

HELP: Roaches INVADE Newbie's apartment!!!

Newbie is the new morning show producer at Flow 93.5FM. He spoke about his dilemma on the air in his new apartment since he just moved to Toronto. He signed the lease and then roaches started to come out of every room. Poor thing! Toronto has some environmental issues Newbie, with pain relievers in the water, (that could be a plus/money saver for my aching blogger's back) roaches in apartments, generations of mice families etc. Callers called and text in for solutions. One stupid caller I believe told him to kill them with a shoe and he tried that already with roach parts everwhere! Ewwwwwwwwwww!

These Canadian roaches are out of their minds. They even want to eat with you on the table!!!! I had a few my first 2 months here after signing the damn lease (yeah Newbie) and some sticky gel thing was put down , they ate it and you never see them again. Awwww.........I hate PESTS! Never had that in the States!

Click on the roach if you really wanna have a bad day. I do not recommend eating anything in front of the computer when you click!! YOU WERE WARNED!

Newbie, forget any spray from the store or exterminator spray. Tell him you want the

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