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Friday, April 4, 2008

The Toronto Media Idol Challenge 2008 – Friday, April 11th.

Canada is the only one who has Media Idol. The participants will be among the first to meet and interview Canadian Idol’s new cast member while putting themselves in an Idol hopeful’s shoes when we travel to various outlets. The local finalist will win $1,000 for charity, experience Canadian Idol in person in Toronto this summer, and gain local infamy! Radio, TV and even print media personalities are contesting. I noticed most of the contestants this year are from radio! That's Faye Josue of the Calgary Sun papers last year.

There are a limited number of spots for interested participants. Just like with Canadian Idol, all Media Idol participants from Toronto and the surrounding area are welcome to audition a cappella or while accompanied by musical instruments. I will enter next year. Nada! My voice ain't ready after this first Canadian winter I just experienced! O'Canada!

Hey, if you haven't been keeping tabs with Media Idol, our favourite contestant Rudolph Blair of 680 News is gearing up for his singing debut. Check out how Rudy went to get ready by taking singing lessons and view his attempts to sing here! Oh Yeah!!!!

Rudy is 680 News' music reporter. See his entire bio here.

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