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Saturday, February 22, 2014

#HNNGayVoices: Arizona Bill PASSED to BAN GAYS based on religious beliefs

A religious right? Or downright discrimination? All homophobic Nigerians need to move to this American state of Arizona.

A bill that would allow Arizona businesses to effectively ban gays has been passed by the state's Legislature.

Do you think businesses should have the right to refuse service to gays based on religious beliefs? The controversy erupting right now. When corporate businesses start pulling out of Arizona, then it will sink in later. We are in America now right?

Below are sample comments of what people are saying.


Craig DeRoss So does that mean if I own a business I can ban crazy Christians?
Like · Reply · 185 · 8 hours ago

32 Replies · 41 minutes ago

Heidi Flores Yep totally. Any business owner should have the right to refuse service to anyone.
Like · Reply · 92 · 8 hours ago

34 Replies · about an hour ago

Tony Troncoso I'm all for civil and equal rights but banning someone cause they are gay is no better than banning someone cause they are black or a woman, this is a backwards movement AZ
Like · Reply · 78 · 8 hours ago

12 Replies · 4 hours ago

Isaiah Joel God made Adam and eve not Adam and Steven.
Like · Reply · 43 · 8 hours ago

28 Replies · 4 hours ago

Erin Yvonne Mendez-Amador Im religious, no I do not agree with being gay, but, I would NEVER ban someone from my business, just like I would never abandoned my children for telling me they were gay. That is between them and God, it is not for me to judge! People are people no matter what their sexual preference is. That does not make them a lesser human. As it has been stated Let you without sin cast the first stone.
Like · Reply · 40 · 7 hours ago

5 Replies · 4 hours ago

Gilmar Vasquez Leave it to Arizona to pass another discriminatory law!
Like · Reply · 40 · 8 hours ago

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