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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

OPINION: #HNNGayVoices Why did a Tabloid in #Uganda post names of Top 200 Gays a day after law was signed?

Watch Yowero Museveni lie to CNN.

May the GRACE of the LORD Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the HOLY Spirit and the God I only worship directly PUNISH and strike down the person and the entire tabloid softsell newspaper in Uganda that PUBLISHED the name of all GAY and Lesbian celebrities and ordinary people in Uganda a day after their anti-gay law was passed with life sentences.

I am a Gay rights activist, care less about marriages etc but HUMAN RIGHTS, I will not allow anyone to mess with. Well, Donors have started pulling out of Uganda.

Ugandan gay rights activist Pepe Julian Onziema told CNN's Christiane Amanpour that some gay people in Uganda would rather kill themselves than live under the new law. The new law also includes punishment -- up to seven years in prison -- for people and institutions who perform same-sex marriage ceremonies, language that was not in the 2009 version.

Lawmakers in the conservative nation said the influence of Western lifestyles risked destroying family units.
The bill also proposed prison terms for anyone who counsels or reaches out to gays and lesbians, a provision that could ensnare rights groups and others providing services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The White House issued a statement Monday: "Instead of standing on the side of freedom, justice, and equal rights for its people, today, regrettably, Ugandan President Museveni took Uganda a step backward by signing into law legislation criminalizing "Prior to the bill becoming law today, people attempted suicide because they are like, 'I'm not going to live to see this country kill me -- so I would rather take my life.'

With files from Saad Abedine and Elizabeth Landau of CNN

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