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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

#HNNPolitics @CNN #Crossfire asked if Obama or Putin has the stronger hand? Newt SPEAKS!

Who's got the upper hand. Birthday boy and Former Speaker Newt Gingrich said PUTIN and he even posted it on Crossfire's Facebook page. Crossfire is CNN's high temperature political show. Everyone supported Obama!! My two cents is below. My kids are American. I'm patriotic.

Who has a stronger hand in the Ukrainian crisis? Reply with Putin or Obama using #CrossfireLike 

Ben Childress, Sarwar Zafarovic,Isabelo Leones and 188 others like this.


Newt Gingrich Putin
Like · Reply · 55 · March 3 at 10:49pm

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Tommy Goldizen Jr. In all the Days of My Democratic Life, I Never thought I'd be saying I agree with you
Like · 7 · March 3 at 11:02pm

Nina Flora iran knows our weakness too and is proving it daily...even before obama to some degree/they would cover up when inspections occured duh..
Like · March 3 at 11:35pm

Mike Intactivist Is that a serious question??? Putin or pantywaist???
Like · March 3 at 11:35pm

Nina Flora this is really ruining all the "wall being torn down " of previous admin. sad.
Like · March 3 at 11:36pm

Alfred Hwang hey Newt Gingrich!
Like · 1 · March 3 at 11:37pm

Yura Kovalchuk fuckutin
Like · March 3 at 11:41pm

Steve Scheidt I am NOT a fan of Obama but I stand with the USA!! Anyone that supports Putin deserves to be arrested charged convicted and executed for being a trader. It's not every day you will here a Libertarian say something like that but I am an American first always!
Like · 2 · Yesterday at 12:41am · Edited

'Anastasios Bouikidis For once, I agree with you... just this once...
Like · Yesterday at 1:17am

Sashi Bodavula IT'S NEWT GINGRICHSee Translation
Like · Yesterday at 2:34am

Damen Williams Yaeh... unfortunately for Putin, many many many other countries are not happy with him. So we could jsut sit here while everyone dukes it out with Putin. (Coming from america's end)
Like · Yesterday at 2:48am

Carol Jones STEVE GOOD FOR YOU --as do all of us - but we are talking about a leader here - Obama is not a leader
Like · Yesterday at 3:18am

Jorge Vaca What is Newt Gingrich doing here answering a silly crossfire question?
Welp, way to make myself look like an idiot.
Like · Yesterday at 3:45am · Edited

Joseph Johnson " I am NOT a fan of Obama but I stand with the USA!! Anyone that supports Putin deserves to be arrested charged convicted and executed for being a trader. It's not every day you will here a Libertarian say something like that but I am an American first always!"

So I guess freedom of speech means nothing right?
Like · 2 · Yesterday at 4:59am

Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo Newt u know you wrong!! Man! Even we Africans support our own. My kids are Americans living over there and they are Black Republicans and even said Barack Obama!!!!!!!!!!! Yo newt!
Like · Yesterday at 6:35am

Austin Ward Steve Scheidt doesn't know what 'Libertarian' means, and must be overlooking the whole '1st amendment' thing that Libertarians are pushing.
Like · Yesterday at 6:35am

Austin Ward Joseph Johnson, people who call themselves Libertarians these days are often not anything close to the ideology that Libertarians supposedly hold. You cant very well expect to be taken seriously when you wax on about freedoms, and then say that individuals you dont like should die for thinking something you disagree with.
Like · Yesterday at 6:42am

The GOP sux Obama. Putin is about to put himself on punishment by the whole world. Shame on any American who says different
Like · Yesterday at 7:09am

The GOP sux Obama is a leader. You far right haters refuse to follow.
Like · Yesterday at 7:10am

Ahmet Başar putin motherfucka
Like · 21 hours ago

Patric Anderson Putin easily because he will not back down. in the end all this is a giant pissing contest to see who can piss better then the other.

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