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Friday, March 28, 2014

#HNNPolitics #CONFABNG becomes Confatal as delegates NAP on the future of Nigeria.

Napping Delegates at the Confab. The man on the bottom right even DIED!
Why were the wrong people picked for the Nigerian National Conference known as Confab? The choice was poor with past leaders and very elderly people and no single practicing Journalist or YOUNG activists picked. Below are the names of crucial people visibly missing. People that should have been picked. Instead we have all our elderly folks napping all day and one even died. I was not picked and my support for PDP the majority political party in Nigeria ended right there.

Tales of food shortages and napping of the delegates at the national confab continued to be an issue, yesterday. Monday, the actual first day of plenary recorded the worst day. Food was in drastic short supply.

Members of the conference complained and murmured among themselves. Luckily, their murmuring reached the ears of the secretariat that at the resumption of plenary after the lunch hours, the secretary of the conference, Dr. Valarie Azinge formally addressed the issue. “Honorable delegates, it has come to our notice that most of you did not get food to eat. We are very sorry about that. We promise that it will not repeat itself tomorrow.”

Tuesday, the second day, was supposed to witness adequate food supply but to the chagrin of some delegates, the food still didn’t go round again.

A delegate who felt bad over the issue couldn’t hold it back to herself alone.

She told Vanguard that “the food didn’t get to me again.”

But Wednesday proved a bit better for the conference as food was said to have gone round for the delegates.

Some members however attributed it to the departure of many members who opted to have their lunch outside the conference venue.

A confab is a conversation or casual talk or chat and this should have included key individuals who share the same anti or pro government sentiments of what is not working and how to address it. In 1995, my father was part of the Confab to design the 1999 Constitution and he was nicknamed Mr. Nigeria for his always trying to bring the delegates together. He was also 29 during the first one too in 1963 after independence.  Below are his historical books.

Who do you think should have been on the list?
a) Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo 
b) J Japheth Omojuwa 
c) Omololu Omotosho 
d) Omoyele Sowore 
e) Babatunde Rosanwo
f) Seun Anikulapo Kuti 
g) Tolu Ogunlesi 
h) Femi Fani-Kayode 

With files from Vanguard

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