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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

JUICE IN MY NEWSROOM: Canadian gal Alana Wyatt boots Mos Def in divorce deal and now writing a kiss and tell book!

Alana Wyatt Smith, who married Rapper Mos Def 2005 in a very quick (Toronto City Hall) and secretive manner (The damn clerk never heard of Mos Def), is now writing a tell all book about her short lived marriage to him and her life........She's a single mom and has a son Dakota from a previous relationship. Gurlfriend is kissing on the left and telling on the right! Oh My! Oh My!

Breaking the Code of Silence: Alana Wyatt Smith Tells All chronicles the intense relationship and whirlwind marriage between a young woman and one of Hip-Hop’s most beloved artists. An honest and open memoir, Wyatt tells her story of how her turbulent childhood, difficult teenage years and sometimes not-so-wise decisions aided in her development to become a devoted mother and a strong, independent woman. Controversial and straightforward, Breaking the Code of Silence holds no punches as Wyatt reveals how her glamorous lifestyle -envied by many wasn’t always so fabulous. Part biography, part cautionary tale, Wyatt tells her story to educate and inspire others to be independent and remain true to themselves.

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