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Friday, October 31, 2008

CANADIAN IDOL HOST Ben Mulroney becomes a married man.

(Graham Hughes/Canadian Press)

Ben Mulroney, 32, was wed to Jessica Brownstein, 29, in an evening ceremony at St. Patrick's Basilica.

"Fantastic," Mulroney said as he ushered his bride to a waiting limousine. Brownstein was draped in a white fur cape when she arrived for the ceremony, but was not wearing it after the service.

"We've got to get her in the car," Mulroney said as he led his new wife through a crowd of journalists.

Former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, with his wife Mila, arrive for the wedding of their son Ben Mulroney in Montreal Thursday.

Former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, with his wife Mila, arrive for the wedding of their son Ben Mulroney in Montreal Thursday. (Graham Hughes/Canadian Press

The former prime minister, who attended the service with his wife Mila, said about 75 people attended the wedding. A rabbi blessed the ceremony, while a priest conducted the service, he said.

"It was very moving, very impressive," Brian Mulroney said.

He also said the couple wrote their own vows, which he described as "poignant" and "lovely."

"He's the oldest of three boys and he's been a very good son and we love him dearly," Brian Mulroney said. Read more....

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