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Sunday, March 9, 2014

#HNNMemorial Remembering Tammy Bullock's son the DYNAMIC 14y/o Brayton Bullock #HNNCrime

The Late Brayton Bullock
While I was in Canada, I received an award for community contribution and this is one case that I would have wanted to speak out and get involved as a Community Activist. Who says it's too late? To put the tragic story of Brayton Bullock out 8 years after his death is big to me. I arrived in Canada 2007 a year later having fled still ongoing violence in Nigeria. Eight years ago today March 9th 2006, #HNNAfrica remembers Brayton Bullock. A 14-year-old Canadian kid who was murdered by his own cousin Nickolas who doctors said had signs of being a psychopath.

Brayton and his killer cousin Nickolas Bullock
Brayton Bullock was stabbed in the head, back and chest by his 16-year-old cousin, Nickolas Bullock, in Lackie's Bush in south-end Barrie on March 9, 2006. In February 2009, a jury found Bullock, now 25, guilty of first-degree murder and November 2009 the judge sentenced him as an adult, to life in prison with no chance of parole for 10 years from the time of his arrest -- which means he becomes eligible for parole in 2016.

This case has torn the family apart.  Speaking to a Barrie newspaper years ago, Brayton's mom Tammy said "Nick knew how to play the system and he played it well. He showed no interest in applying to a university until he learned he might have to do hard time in an adult prison ... when he was out on the streets he refused to go to school."

As she walked away from the court, her eyes began to flood with tears.

"It's like my son really didn't matter in all of this," she said. "He is the one who was murdered, yet everything was about Nick and what's best for him. Now, it's over, and I fear my son will be forgotten."

Tammy has helped start up a new support group with Seasons Centre for Grieving Children in Barrie for parents who have lost a child. The group is called Empty Arms, and is open to any parent who lost a child for any reason.

"If it were just to murder, I would be sitting in the room all by myself," said Tammy. "But losing a child for any reason is painful, and we found there was nothing out there for parents."

It was here somehow when advocating for families of gun murdered victims in Canada that one CHERYL BULLOCK entered my Facebook friends list as I add mutual friends with my law enforcement pals when I noticed Cheryl advocated for missing and murdered people. I loved her passion for that. We all connected with Toronto Police officers on Facebook, like Constable Scott Mills who designated us as a public safety group. Myself- Guns Murders, Cheryl-Missing and Murdered/Knife murders, Nicholas Maharaj-Crimestoppers appeals, Chris Doucette-Toronto Sun Crime Reporter. 

Nothing like hearing the story of Brayton's murder from Cheryl. OMG! So shocking and heart wrenching. That was why I was determined that Tammy's fear will not come true. I will continue to put Brayton's face and name in the news. We must never forget the faces of the dead I once told the Toronto sun that.  Nick bore nothing more than a family grudge against him and in the process became a monster.

Then there are the gossip mongering public that Tammy Bullock has to endure, Once, in a grocery lineup, she heard two women pointing out the story in a newspaper.

"Where were their parents?" they said, shaking their heads.

"I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry out," Tammy says.

People assumed it was a bush party -- "bad kids attacking bad kids" -- even gang fighting, when Brayton was first murdered. Because of a publication ban that protected the identity of his killer cousin, the family was told to remain silent.

"I couldn't tell them that Brayton had a loving family. That he had rules. That he never got into trouble," says his mother.

In fact, Brayton never went into Lackies Bush until that hellish night when he was lured by his cousin, she says.
Late Brayton Bullock
Please don't forget Brayton today. He too would have been 23 like my middle son Lade. On the day he was killed I was actually visiting my son in school that day at lunchtime as I zeroed in what I was doing on March 9th 2006. I was on my way moving out of the United States after 30 years heading to Nigeria. I vividly remember cos it was the anniversary date of the murder of Lade's fave rapper Christopher Wallace (March 9th 1997) and we were talking about it not even knowing that one Canadian boy was going to be murdered that same day. 

I later fled Nigeria after the 2007 election violence in 2007 and filed asylum in Canada where my victim advocacy began. Somehow Cheryl and I crossed paths and I still have never met her. One day! I say One day! Cheryl continues to keep her awareness of Knife crimes high on social media.

My youngest son KJ will be 14. I can never imagine this? The song I am listening to as I type this story is "All we need is Love" by Nigerian rapper/singer Sasha P. The big line was about the 16 year old who had big dreams and lost it all. Nickolas is eligible for parole 2016 or as early as late this year. The families are not happy he has done his time and the public may have a lot to worry about. Canada is very strict on public safety unlike here in Nigeria where we don't even have a 911 emergency response system. To the families, pls stay strong!

#RIP Brayton Grey Bullock
(July 24th, 1991 - March 9th, 2006)

Follow Cheryl Bullock on Twitter @Sunset4Life

With Files from The Barrie Examiner

Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo (#HNNAfrica fan page)
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