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Sunday, June 26, 2016

#Somali minister among 15 killed in attack on hotel in capital #HNNTerror

Somali soldiers stand guard on June 26, 2016 on the scene of the terror attack on a hotel in the Somali capital Mogadishu that killed at least 11 people the day before and was swiftly claimed by Al-Qaeda-affiliated Shabaab militants. The assault, the latest in a series by the Islamist group targeting hotels and restaurants. (MOHAMED ABDIWAHAB/AFP/Getty Images)

The AP reports that A Somali Cabinet minister is among the 15 killed in an Islamic extremist attack on a hotel in the capital, police say.

Four attackers also died in the assault which was claimed by al-Shabab, Somalia’s militant rebels who are allied to al-Qaida.

State Minister for the Environment, Buri Hamza, was among those killed, said Capt. Mohamed Hussein, a senior Somali police officer. Hamza died when his hotel room collapsed Saturday because of the powerful car bomb which extremists used to blast their way into the Nasa-Hablod Hotel.

At least 34 people were injured, according to police and hospital sources.

It’s the second attack on a hotel since the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in early June. Both attacks have been claimed by al-Shabab.

The attacks have raised concerns about the security of hotels in the seaside capital which has seen numerous attacks by al-Shabab in recent years.

“The trend and lethality of such attacks suggest how vulnerable the security of hotels and the city in general are now,” said Mohamed Sheikh Abdi, a Somali political analyst.

“Many residents now shun going to hotels that provide some of the few sources of entertainment available in Mogadishu,” he said. At hotels, patrons smoke shisha (tobacco) in water pipes, enjoy dance music and play games such as dominoes and dice.

Mogadishu resident Ahmed Ali said that he has stopped going to hotels as they are seen as “death traps because they are favourite targets for al-Shabab ... Having fun at hotels is good but my safety comes first.”

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud condemned the attacks in a statement Sunday.

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