We handle media relations for Tameka Foster Raymond. Your attempt to slander our client under false pretenses with the utilization of a fabricated recording has been escalation to legal. For the record I had your ficitious tape removed from Youtube. Your audio engineer or whoever mixed this should be fired, it's way too choppy to even be believable. He/She took the first part of Tameka stating her name directly from her recent appearance on the Ryan Cameron show and the second part of the audio is a voice that doesn't even resemble our clients.

Even your readers knew this was edited. In fact none of us had ever heard of you or your blog, until you attempted to use our client to make a name for yourself in the media. I'm sorry you felt the need to sojourn down this path of hate and destruction towards a mother, sister and friend but based on your latest post you just seem to be a disgruntled blogger. And just from a logical standpoint with everything going on in her life do you really think she could find the time to acquire a home number for a woman she's never heard of in Canada (of all places) and then leave a voicemail knowing you would broadcast it to the public?

You obviously did not thoroughly think this out before taking it upon yourself to allegate these false claims. You and Sandra Rose also should have checked Tameka's itinerary on Saturday before choosing that day to pull this prank. She was at a photo shoot, then preparing for her Lost Ones Fundraiser that evening. There will be no further correspondence w/ you but I should mention that we have contacted your hosting provider directly surrounding all the copyright protected images you are using of Tameka on your site. Please be aware that continued copyright infringement according to Godaddy.com will have adverse effects on your account standing.

Melody Adams

  • Wish I had an audio engineer.
  • Canadians hate Tameka just as bad!
  • Never met Sandra Rose. Just another blogger.
  • Don't mess with my blog accounts. She may end up in Brazil again.
  • GoDaddy does not host any of my blogs.
  • I will check the roaches in my kitchen's itinerary b4 checking Tamekas!
  • Spelling errors are not pro....Ficitious.
  • Our readers cannot comment on this blog so how do you know what they know?
Later in the day, I replied Malady to let her know that I'm glad she CONFESSED Tameka's voice was on the recording. Also who the fock is checking Tameka's itinerary. A certified convicted shoplifter with a phony girls foundation begging for your money? Shouldn't she sit her ass down and just raise her kids who almost lost her when she almost DIED last year in Brazil during rubbermaid surgery?

Later in the day.....

Thursday, October 29, 2009 6:41 PM
From: "Melody Adams" melody@heliopr.com
To: mediakemi@rogers.com

Dare I ask whether you have reading comprehension problem? Do they offer literacy classes in Nigeria? Did you not just see me say type someone took the stating of Tameka's name on that recording directly from the audio of her recent appearance on Ryan Cameron show and meshed it with another voice and played it on your voicemail? Even a rudimentiary elementary school student would know that was a fake. What part of Tameka's never heard of you went over your head? Looking forward to the Toronto Police Dept. giving you the time of day for that awfully editing recording. And so typical for a blogger to not be able to handle these things maturely or professionaly but instead succumb to posting correspondence to their blog to try to generate hits. And on the record you're a psycho.

Melody Adams

  • Looks like someone has comprehension problems not "problem"
  • That elementary school student was my 8-year-old son who told police about the call.
  • And Yes, Toronto Police came again to read your e-mail.
  • We don't want Tameka to ever hear about us.
  • She give death threats, slashes tires and keys cars.
  • Insulting "Nigerians is a no-no! We sent this to Chaka Zulu, Wale and Mekka Don.
  • Now that's a professional PR rep Tameka! Like I told Malady, "You both are certified NUTS!"