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Monday, June 10, 2013


Shyne slams HBO's violent show "Thrones"
HBO's 'Thrones' wraps third season via amazing how no one complains about all this murder but blame rap for violence--Rapper Shyne June 10th 2013 tweet

Shyne (via Facebook)
When rappers speak, we listen! The BEST one out of all of them all, Shyne SPOKE today!!

If there is one thing I love about Shyne, it's keeping it real. This young man has so much in common with me, good or bad. I spoke with him on twitter in December and wanted to do an interview. With all the problems I had in the last 6 mos with my health and so many deaths in the family, I am now settled and looks like I may wanna even go to Belize to meet this homie. OR should we bring SHYNE to Nigeria? Ok, I will be working on the ideas. My interview will be in person we may even skype this thing.

This morning at exactly 9.35am Nigerian time, 10 mins ago, he tweeted his disgust with Hollywood about all the violence and bloodshed pushed into homes by the networks. You will remember Shyne was locked up almost 10 years for that Diddy Club shooting in NYC. He was subsequently deported from the USA to Belize where his father is a high ranking politician and in fact President

So what's the big deal? I was arrested for not reporting to Canadian immigration monthly as I was supposed to on August 9th. I was being deported the 25th so I didn't even remember that. The agreement was to always report but these guys had to lock me up at Vanier Women's prison (2B MAX for the female killers) for 7 days then to the airport as they heard that the US embassy may have given me travel documents to follow my kids to who are Americans to the USA. My dad was also a high ranking politician. In my case I did nothing wrong in Canada and private documents given to Nigerian immigration that was accidentally photocopied for me said I requested to GO HOME! #SMH. 

So cut the long story short, I was deported to Nigeria cos I was no longer eligible for refugee status, something the media said was a lie and that I was kicked out for antagonizing the conservative gun laws. You remember what I said to PM Harper that he designed gun laws to KILL black children. Even some shady Canadian politicians wrote letters to the Toronto Sun. I'm watching you and so is God! Even the Americans tried deporting CNN's Piers Morgan but their government ended up ignoring them.

So at the end of the day, we have violent shows all over the place and when the white kid takes the automatic and sprays the movie theater, kindergarten school, work place, high school and other public place and the black kid thugs up and sprays the barbeque at Danzig street in Toronto, the mothers day parade in New Orleans, the club or just the street corner in Philadelphia, Chicago and Detroit, we just decide to BLAME IT ALL ON RAP MUSIC!

Those days are over! Lets start blaming TV and MOVIES now. I have held a news conference for rappers in Toronto, I have done it all. Now lets go after the TV and Movie industry. Shyne made a very VALID point! Pls keep keeping it real!! Look at what USAToday tweeted!! SMH!!

HBO's 'Thrones' wraps bloody third season
The #bloodshed continued in 'Game of Thrones' third-season finale Sunday, but it was nothing as shocking as last week's murders of Stark family members. 

FOLLOW Shyne @OriginalShyne

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