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Monday, March 17, 2014

#HNNBeauty Has HAVING lighter skin in #Nigeria been attacked too much?

The controversy last night on my privileged FB PERSONAL page. Read below what I posted below and my personal friend's comments. (Warning Discretional language)

Dear Nigerian women in NIGERIA, I appreciate if you stop coming to me telling me my skin looks perfect and I don't look 49 but 29, then say behind me that I BLEACHED! I did not bleach, I WHITENED my body with papaya and seaweed exfoliation soaps. No damn hydroquinone creams which are non existent anyway. I'm a pharmacist among other things ppl. Sorry you are still dealing with your craw-craw and scabies and mine is gone. I'm producing enough menopause related progesterone now that I am 14 again with tons of acne. I found the magic so pls quit your jealousy.

I was born lightskinned and now I'M in another RACE NOW like Lil Kim!!

1st row Oct-Dec 2013 hormonal nightmare
2nd row Valentine's week 2014
3rd row THIS WEEK! March 2014

#RIPMichaelJackson. I'm WHITE NOW TOO!
And pls don't ask me what soap I used cos u are backstabbers who want my secret. You will know when the company starts paying me millions only. Ironically it's dirt cheap in US and Canada. $3 and here N450 same price.

Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo
Nigeria's most intelligent woman!
@HNNAfrica @KemiOlunloyo

Devona Jackson LMAOOO!!!!!
12 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Devona Jackson Kemi share the secret with her man. He is in desperate need.

12 hours ago · Unlike · 4

Mosy Oginni Lwkm, I can't stop laughing.
12 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo Mosy Oginni Oyinbo ni mi.
12 hours ago · Like · 2

Mosy Oginni Hahahah, caucasian toh bahd.
12 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Olubunmi Nasiru lolz
12 hours ago · Unlike · 1

C- Lightning Rachael Grellmore Oh Kemi you just made me laughed so loud, I almost woke up the baby.
12 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1

Sheri Henderson Thats why,I Love you!! Lmao.. U are so funny! And, Out spoken..
11 hours ago · Unlike · 2

Devona Jackson She has given me a head ache from laughing. Smh
11 hours ago · Unlike · 2

Successful Hennyholar Oke Lolz 😀😀... You are too much
10 hours ago · Unlike · 3

Philo Asimu Amazing, this is KEMI, your skin is glowing.........
8 hours ago · Unlike · 2

Tanja Allersmeier It's too funny. ...
All the talks abt bleaching, whitening n so on....
Many of us oyinbos joining the sun studios to tan our skin though we know it's not healthy. .......See More
3 hours ago · Unlike · 1

Flora OnoKs IphEoma Hahahaha..The Biggest Gbam!!
about an hour ago · Unlike · 1

Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo Tell em Tanja Allersmeier!! Here's a real Oyinbo talking O!

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