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Sunday, March 16, 2014

#HNNNigeria: Meet Samuel Oluwatobi Adeosun, a #Nigerian Youth who wants to personally KILL my father "Take it OR Leave it"

Samuel Oluwatobi Adeosun via Facebook

His name is Samuel Oluwatobi Adeosun aka Sammy Kay they call him on Facebook, a typical youth assassin in Nigeria. They have killed oil workers in Delta state, they attacked the Enugu government house, they have tried to kill the Emir in Kano, the violent Nigerian youths do not shy away from making themselves known these days. This one wants to KILL my dad, an elderly politician who has done more than enough for Nigerians. Even calling him a corrupt politician. This is exactly why some people just prefer to let the Nigerian youth just suffer!

Nigeria's former President Olusegun Obasanjo said only a revolution will change Nigeria, Nigerian youth are too scared to revolutionize, they say they don't want to die. Solid proven Community Activists like me want to get involved because I have all the connects to make it happen including a great friendship with police.

While my idea of starting a revolution is to mobilize youth in Nigeria and use the center of my hometown, this one youth who lives in Ibadan decided the first person he wants to kill is my father. Is this not how they ruin their career and lives and family name. You just don't mess with these kinds of things. 

Terroristic threats of an elderly politician who has not been in office for more than 20 years will not be tolerated. I called Nigerian Police Force and the Oyo state SSS who are extremely RUTHLESS alerting them of his Facebook post and also notified Facebook. 

Samuel Oluwatobi Adeosun via Facebook
When do the youth In Nigeria begin to use their heads?????? I learned in the last hour that security operatives will be paying him a visit as Facebook has given out his information and location. People like this should be blocked on Facebook. I will NOT block him on my page. He will have the right to explain himself. He probably thinks I made him famous now but has no idea what happens to his name when it is searched on the internet for a potential job, school or any other opportunity. 

Nigerian youth!! Be careful what you POST on social media.

The status is below.

‪#‎BREAKING‬: The Revolution has started!! Come to Ibadan NEXT WEEK! All youths in Nigeria, ATTEND my rally. LOCATION will be announced!‪#‎Kemocracy2015‬. It is now or NEVER! Invite your friends to this page.

Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo

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