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Sunday, July 13, 2008


Last year some bad eggs have posted comments on my blog that I feel will offend others and I have had to delete them. Please have consideration for others especially those who you work with at media houses and record labels. This site is for everyone's enjoyment and I mean it. I have to moderate comments and I cannot do that job with insults going back and forth to put the best stories out for you. Let me just post some rules now on comment postings. Thanks for your understanding!!!!


  • All messages will be edited for taste and fairness to the best of my ability. Sometimes something may slip through. If you notice a message that you believe to be in poor taste, or is unfair to someone, please notify me immediately at and it will be removed.

  • While HIPHOSSIP encourages criticism, messages that feature unwarranted or below-the-belt attacks will be trashed. Recently I have edited out offending sections of messages. From now on, if a direct personal attack is contained anywhere in a message I will trash the entire comment. Believe me I do support the First Amendment!! I just don't believe anyone should be insulted on my blog.

  • So just what is a personal attack? That is sometimes a difficult judgment call to make. To say, for example, "I don't like 50 Cent's CD, I think it sucks," is NOT a personal attack. However, if you say that a particular person is an idiot, is stupid, is sleeping with someone, or make a reference about a person's sexual orientation, or criminal record (which I can't verify), or allege sexual harassment, or make personally degrading references - whether that person is an employee of a station or another comment poster - I will have to trash your entire message.

  • HIPHOSSIP encourages but does not require real names to be provided with messages. Messages signed with real names have more credibility. In most cases, if you do not include your name or computer username at the end of your message I will not include any ID on the message when it appears in the comments. However, if I have suspicion that a message is being sent by someone who is claiming to be someone else, I will trash it! I often check the return address to determine if it is authentic. Messages that do not have a return address or those from services like "Hotmail, G-Mail" and "Yahoo" where anyone can create an account under any name tend to generate the most suspicion.

  • HIPHOSSIP cannot forward private e-mail messages to posters. Also, we cannot provide the e-mail address of any message poster. If you want to contact someone, please post a message featuring your address.

  • By the way, if you send HIPHOSSIP a message that you do not want to appear on the comments simply e-mail it directly to me at ......NO EXCEPTIONS! As your comment will be printed WORD FOR WORD! Put it in in capital letters in the first line of the body of the message. Do not include this request in the subject line of the message as those are sometimes truncated by my e-mail program.Thanks for understanding. I welcome your comments (off or on the record) regarding these guidelines.
Finally this site enables Typepad, Wordpress and other blog software owners to post without having a blogger account. You can also hawk your site on the comments URL ONLY!! Any other kind of advertising will be considered SPAM and will be deleted. You can buy a sponsored link on Keminications blogs for $15/month or $150/year. We do not have a BLOGROLL!!! These rates are for a limited time only. My sale specialist will be able to help you at

Thanks a lot!!! Now start posting your comments.

^Kemi^= Managing Editor

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