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Thursday, July 24, 2008


Rakim on stage
Redman and Methodman
Redman on stage
Nas the FOX hater!
Qtip on stage
Toronto Music Greats: Me, Matt Babel of MuchMusic, Khaos and Mindbender of NOW Toronto. Damn! Where's our brother Rudy Blair, 680 News music Reporter?
......and they rejoiced to celebrate this year that everyone made it thru the border! (No criminal past)

Canadian hip-hop fans have a lot of patience. When the Rock the Bells tour arrived at Arrow Hall on Sunday, there was a lot of standing around. Fans spent most of the day either waiting for a pizza slice or waiting for the sound guys to get their act together. They've also waited since 2004 for a proper version of the world's pre-eminent hip-hop festival -- which began in California and has hosted reunion performances of acts like Rage Against the Machine and the Wu-Tang Clan -- to come to Canada. So, when rap pioneers

A Tribe Called Quest finally bounded onstage, sounding tight and jazzy as ever, audience members seemed to collectively think the same thing. The wait was worth it......OR WAS IT? I can tell you that Jay Electronica was a JERK! He refused to come out to meet and greet we bloggers because we are "little media." He actually told his Manager to come and ask me who I worked for? Mr Manager later came out telling me that

"He's already done an interview with MTV and he's tired!"

Must be that Mr. Erykah Badu has it all gone to his head! The worst part of it all was that his starstruck mom who met me outside backstage all excited about taking a snap with Mos Def backstage asked me if I knew her son and I told her I was waiting back here for him. She even ordered the Manager to go get him. Now when a Rapper's mom has to order her son out to meet a "media groupie," LOL.... that's the last straw for me! No media was even allowed backstage. The Promoter LIVE COUNTRY was not very helpful with the media access. Many big media houses were forced to be in the audience. Our passes did not get us backstage but only at the front of the crowd and one Live employee even told me it was as a request of the 11 bands and their families and entourage that too much media can cause chaos back there. Read the rest of the gig at the source.

Source: Toronto Sun

More coverage here from CityNews.

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