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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hip-hop artist Nas says Fox News's coverage of Obama is racist, stages protest with

The rapper joined members of the activist groups and to deliver more than 600,000 petitions Wednesday to the network's New York City headquarters. Nas, whose new album "Untitled" was released last week, said in a statement that "Fox poisons the country with racist propaganda and tries to call it news."Hip-hop artist Nas is protesting Fox News's coverage of Barack Obama.

The network responded by saying, "Fox News believes in all protesters exercising their right to free speech including Nas who has an album to promote." Last month, Fox News referred in a graphic to Michelle Obama, the wife of the Democratic presidential candidate, as "Obama's baby mama." Later, the network said a producer "exercised poor judgment" during the segment. Earlier, two other Fox personalities apologized for referring to an affectionate onstage fist bump shared by the couple as a "terrorist fist jab" and, in another case, for joking about an Obama assassination.

Nas' new song, "Sly Fox," takes direct aim at Fox. "Watch what you watchin', Fox keeps feeding us toxins ... I pledge allegiance to the fair and balanced truth, not the biased truth, not the liar's truth," the song says., a liberal public advocacy group, and, an online group of black activists, said the petition signatures were gathered online in the past month. Andre Banks, a spokesman for, said that after Fox refused to accept the petitions Wednesday afternoon, Nas took them to Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report." Fox couldn't immediately say whether security guards at their midtown building accepted the petitions.

Source: Taiwan News (I went all the way to China to get this?)

To much hype NAS! It's getting boring......Yawn! Sorry Sumit! LOL! See more of this foolishness below....

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