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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Billy Graham's son wants you to BOYCOTT Gay friendly businesses #hnnreligion #hnngayvoices

(Photo: Citizen-Times (N.C.) file photo)
Being gay-friendly is not optional; it is a commandment from Jesus. But being an advocate for the gay lifestyle contradicts God's word.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association did not decide to move our ministry bank accounts from Wells Fargo simply because the San Francisco-based bank is "gay-friendly." Indeed, the bank we transferred our accounts to — BB&T based in Winston-Salem, N.C. — is also widely considered gay-friendly. Well let them keep moving their money around till they lose it. 

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  • Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo
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  • Jeremiah Plyler "But being an advocate for the gay lifestyle contradicts God's word."
    ,,,,so does hatred,contempt,judgement,,,i'd rather be gay than the latter
    Like · Reply · 12 · 18 mins · Edited
  • Heather Buchanan Johnson He probably didn't know about the BBT thing in miami until someone called him out on it. I'm sure wells fargo wont miss him
    Like · Reply · 6 · 32 mins
  • Trip Haynes $5 he's hiding something, every time one of these holy rollers gets on a soap box something shows up in news. I'm patiently waiting.......
    Like · Reply · 6 · 21 mins
  • Chris Hancock Just like a preacher to worry so much about his money...
    Like · Reply · 5 · 22 mins
  • Scott Poole What if something really bad happened to him and a gay person was the only one that could save his or a loves ones life. Would he turn the help down. Just cause they were gay....
    Like · Reply · 5 · 22 mins
  • Cameron Ulysses Franklin Mr. Graham should have known by now that this is not how a true Christian should act. A true Christian always shows love and support for the whole entire LGBT community. He should stop this crusade right away before he really makes himself look so bad
    Like · Reply · 4 · 19 mins
  • Albert Giguere Jr Last I checked, people have tje Right to Say, Think, Believe, & Worship how they choose to... whether we all agree on this subject is irrelevant. ..he has no more right to say its wrong than you do to say it is right... So long as he doesnt infringe on others rights directly, no one should infringe on his.
    Like · Reply · 4 · 28 mins
  • Karen Osborne Don't forget Facebook Franklin...created by a bunch of gay loving atheists. smile emoticon
    Like · Reply · 4 · 30 mins
  • JR Ball I wonder if he knows those thousand dollar suits he wears were probably designed and or made by a gay person
    Like · Reply · 4 · 15 mins
  • Gail Reid I'd love to ask Franklin , if his child were gay..........Would you pitch him/her out the door ? Would you not still love him?
    Like · Reply · 1 · 14 mins
  • Kathy Ballard Carpenter Please listen to Franklin Graham. He is only stating what God's Word says. This doesn't have anything to do with hatred. It is actually love because based on what the Holy Bible says a person practicing a gay life-style will not go to heaven. We as Christians don't have the hate you speak of ... We are asking God to show you His way. We want you to be in heaven with us for all eternity.
    Like · Reply · 8 mins
  • Karen Osborne Don't forget these companies too Franklin...and many, many more...
    Like · Reply · 13 · 35 mins
  • Terry M Jackson Enough said.....
    Like · Reply · 8 · 23 mins
  • Paul Stephenson My God doesn't like Franklin. My God loves ALL people
    Like · Reply · 2 · 15 mins
  • Anne Corrao Sorry Rev but I will not stop fighting for the rights of all God's children. I will deal with it when my day comes. You have no say in anyone's judgement day.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 17 mins
  • Daniel Neal keep your money out of the banks and operate on a cash system is a good idea anyway, especially with all the hackers stealing bank card numbers
    Like · Reply · 1 · 12 mins
  • Gail Reid Just dig a hole and bury your money.....
    Like · Reply · 4 · 33 mins
  • Suzanne Peace Crawley Shame on you for have told to different stories now.
    Like · Reply · 20 mins
  • Carol Owen Amen., Just because we don't have all of the same views., it doesn't mean I can't still love you .,
    Like · Reply · 3 mins
  • Ryan Noonan I thought Jesus commanded us to love one another...
    Like · Reply · 4 mins
  • Barbara Jordan and you claim God loves everyone!!!! You are not living that
    Like · Reply · 4 mins
  • Bill Davis It is not your business Mr.Graham. That is the problem now. Everyone is in everyone else's business except their own. My God is a forgiving God who loves EVERYONE!!!!!!!!
    Like · Reply · 10 mins
  • Margaruite L Baxley I do not understand only GOD can judge I thought the Bible teaches love .... I was recently told anyone born with boyh male & femal wasa freak from hell How can this be I m white stright but please do not judge me for that in fact do not judge me at all let GOD do it TY for letting me give my opion
    Like · Reply · 26 mins
  • Alex L. Smith A great brave man ! in a society lacks that very much shamelessly...
    Like · Reply · 1 · 17 mins · Edited
  • Nancy Manning Ya'll seen to ignore the fact that there are people who might not be educated on the subject. Also, pastors and evangelists are compelled to share the Gospel.
    Like · Reply · 12 mins
  • Tom Payne You're spreading this poison? Why do you give this fool a voice? Any of you who are down with this guy are welcome to pack up and leave at anytime. We will not allow the inalienable, Constitutionally-guaranteed rights of anyone to be denied. Once it starts it will not stop. 
    Again: Leave.
    Like · Reply · 1 · 13 mins
  • Elizabeth Swift I am pretty sure being a hate-filled bigot is against "God's word" you douche nozzle!
    Like · Reply · 5 mins
  • Like · Reply · 11 mins

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