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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Clinton's Campaign manager says @realdonaldTrump showed SEXISM in #RepublicanDebate #HNNPolitics

Scott Olson/GettyImages
During a commercial break on Wednesday night, in between segments of the CNN Republican debate, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager told reporters gathered in her Brooklyn headquarters that the Republican Party frontrunner, Donald Trump, had been demonstrating more of the “sexism” he’s shown “the whole time he’s been in the race.”

On the campaign trail, Clinton has characterized Trump’s comments about women as “outrageous” and “offensive.” But the remark from her manager, Robby Mook, amounted to a more explicit characterization of Trump as sexist.

Mook, standing near the front of a conference room in the campaign’s 11th floor offices, took questions for about three minutes from political reporters invited to watch the second GOP debate with Clinton aides on Wednesday night.

Responding to a question about Trump’s effect on Clinton, Mook said, “The bigger issue is how damaging he has become to the Republican Party. He has completely driven them to the right,” he said. “I think you saw more insult, more bluster, more sexism tonight.”

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