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Saturday, June 7, 2014

#BREAKING>> OPINION: Why Dora Akunyili will NEVER REST IN PEACE!--Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo #RIPDoraAkunyili fake hashtag

 #‎RIPDoraAkunyili‬ is a Rubbish hashtag! Dora will NEVER rest in peace for destroying the profession of Pharmacy in Nigeria. None of us US/Cdn/UK trained Pharmacists can NEVER work in Nigeria. We are rendered useless and overqualified when we had someone who had the chance to regulate the profession. These average urchins on my fanpage have no idea that she and Obasanjo and Stella came to the USA to convince all of we professionals in the medical field to COME HOME back in 2004 in Atlanta when they were all in power. Every Dr, Nurse, Pharmacist make big money in a carefully regulated profession. For me to go back to Pharmacy practice now requires 300 CE credits. 300!! Get educated Nigeria. If u are graduating from Pharmacy, call me and I will get you to the USA. All the Rx students in Unibadan bombard me daily because Nigeria has FAILED them and us all!

To all the ppl on twitter asking why I never said these things when she was ALIVE, I did and I have been attacking Dora the Explorer from day one, I told you August 2013 she had cervical cancer, u cursed me out, I told u that she will end up using your money to get treatment abroad some day. It happened today. Sadly she died abroad while most people have to live with the failed healthcare system she created with bad leaders.

Comments I dont read anymore. If you insult my family or break terms of my page u are banned permanently. I have not insulted Dora's family or yours. She just ruined our livelihood. I have a Journalism and PR degree. Most Nigerian Pharmacists have NOTHING else. She fought fake drugs but protected her own Anambra Pharmaceutical companies.

Meanwhile they recycle Ministers daily and try to be a Senator, fail while 42 million youths have no jobs, pension or future.

Pharmacy students call me. Get to the USA! There is a major shortage of pharmacists for 30 years and you will be sponsored by employers who need you.  Pass the boards and the Rx equivalency exam and leave these losers. A country where anyone can buy a narcotic OTC.

Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo
@HNNAfrica @HealthReports @Snitchlady


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