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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

#BREAKING #HNNMUSIC Remembering #MichaelJackson 5 years later #RIPMichaelJackson #HNNMemorial

On June 25th 2009, we had nothing thrilling to hear mid afternoon when twitter still in its early stages CRASHED for the first time. I was working in a Pharmacy in Canada and the Producers on AC360 Anderson Cooper's show called me to tell me that MJ died and they wanted to know about Demerol which was the suspect drug at the time. Later Propofol was the drug that ultimately caused the lethal combo that killed Jackson. 

Michael Jackson DIED!  The King of pop who had battled so many obstacles with his health and drug abuse issues had now died of a lethal overdose combination. How could it happen? What went down to lead up to this? We learned later that a doctor who had been treating Jackson had been under pressure by the singer to make sure he was in tip top shape for the upcoming comeback tour that will never be.

Jackson who was the King of several music awards passed away. In as much as I have been a Pharmacist for 26 years, I was stunned at the combination of drugs Jackson was given. The doctor did not use professional and ethical discretion. He was convicted and went to jail. Meanwhile Jackson’s children and family as a whole had to move on. 

Paris the oldest child had her own emotional times and is watched closely on twitter by media around the world. There have been many memorials and specials on TV, radio etc. We can never forget this multiaward King of pop. Rest in Peace Michael. I am glad I got to see his historical Budapest concert. Thank you for the memories Michael. 5 years!!



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