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Thursday, June 12, 2014

#HNNTraffic: EXCLUSIVE>>#TrafficTaliban KOO PULLS GUN at 20 men in #Ibadan to STOP vigilante Justice in traffic!

KOO June 11th 2014

#HNNAfrica News Director and retired Journalist told police that she would not tolerate any lawlessness and in America you shoot and ask questions later. Read the full story where a pedestrian claimed she hit him and the entire crowd of men on the streets threatened her. 

She came out of her car and attempted to open fire if they did not stop hitting the car. Many of her followers on her Facebook page praised her actions. However many Nigerians are not armed to defend themselves in a country where the people would have done justice before authorities arrived.

In November 2013, Kemi seized the keys off a moving transit bus dragged her son, pushing the driver of his seat and taking control of the bus in order to save her son.  

Below is her post on June 11th 2014: 

I'm in a badass mood as I just raised HELL in my city in the last hour. Don't fuck with me. I have slapped area boys in Mushin and Zaria. I'm KOO and not having it. My father is the one who slaps ppl in public. I took over. #IronLady 
Kemi Omololu-Olunloyo just slapped 3 bus touts, threatens them with a gun in self defense and orders Nigerian Police mobile officers armed with AK 47's to arrest them while Federal Traffic Safety Officers were profusely apologizing to her and yellow fever traffic officers dispersing crowd.
Driving my mom's car near NTA.Heavy pedestrian traffic 
Everyone jaywalks in Nigeria 
Pedestrian HITS my car 
They always see it as you hit them.Pedestrian is not hurt and is yelling cursing me that I did not see him JAYWALKING?? I blew horn like crazy!!20 men gather at my passenger window screaming to the top of their voices at the same time. KJ is in the passenger side scared. I warned the MOB to move.
This is Nigeria they want vigilante justice and won't listen. Touts, white collar men and area boys. They will end up stripping me naked and burning the car and beating me up. They said if I wasn't a woman they would have killed me. I came out of the car and warned ppl to get off the car. They start hitting my mom's car about to start denting it.

I pulled a handgun (Sig Sauer) Glock I owned in the United States and Fed Highway Safety Officers rushed to the scene before I start firing into the crowd. Crowd sees gun. People fleeing. There is no order in Nigeria. You are on your own. The fact that my vehicle swiped a pedestrian WHOSE FAULT IT WAS does not give anyone the authority to start destroying it. Police looks at vehicle registration. It's in the name of a former governor and first lady.

I slapped 3 area boys who punched body of car. Police arrests them. I left and the huge crowd is begging me for money when they heard who I was. Most in the area already know me.

USELESS MASSES, USELESS COUNTRY.Next time SHOTS FIRED IN THE AIR.Many Nigerians have been killed in vigilante justice incidents. I will not allow it. I have 3 legal firearms and will use it if in danger. Most Nigerians don't own firearms. I advocate against improper use of guns but support the second amendment when it comes to defense. We do not have a credible 911 system. U seek police when u see them on the streets.

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