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Thursday, October 2, 2014

#HNNHealth #Ebola in US: Children came in contact with #Liberian patient suffering from the deadly virus

#BREAKING Thomas Eric Duncan is a #Liberian man who is visiting the USA AND HAS BEEN DIAGNOSED of #Ebola in a #Dallas hospital

So what is the latest about Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian man that was diagnosed of Ebola at Texas Presbyterian hospital? Children who were identified as having been exposed to the disease are now being monitored at home, Texas Governor Rick Perry told reporters at a news conference where he cited health officials.

Since the outbreak was recognised in March, over 3,000 people in West Africa have died, but the Governor added he was confident that the virus would be contained.

A Texan official echoed Governor Perry’s assurances, and said the chance of the children having Ebola was "very low".

"The students did not have any symptoms and so the odds of them passing on any sort of virus is very low," Mike Miles, Dallas Independent School District superintendent, told the news conference.

While some media are referring to him as an unidentified Ebola patient, Duncan was placed in isolation at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas on Sunday.

On Wednesday, he was understood to be in critical condition.

He was initially evaluated last Friday and sent home from Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital with antibiotics - a critical missed opportunity that could result in others being exposed to the virus, infectious disease experts told Reuters.

With files from The Independent 

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