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Monday, October 27, 2014

#HNNHealth Watch #EbolaInNYC SPREAD as 5y/o is raced to hospital and Quarantines loosened for healthcare workers

5-year-old boy being tested for Ebola in New York City

Amazing how Governor Cuomo lets them loosen Ebola quarantines for returning health workers because of White House pressure, yet forget that symptoms may develop anytime in that incubation period of exposure. Now comes word that a  5-year-old boy who just returned from West Africa was transported to Bellevue Hospital Sunday with possible Ebola symptoms, according to law-enforcement sources.

Have we forgotten about the patient zero who started it all in Guinea and entire family killed along with the patient zero toddler in Mali Fanta Kone who just died? Once Ebola hits a classroom in the Big Apple, everyone with wake up!

The child was vomiting and had a 103-degree fever when he was carried from his Bronx home by EMS workers wearing hazmat suits, neighbors said. “He looked weak,” said a neighbor.

“He was really, really out of it.”The boy returned with his family from Guinea Saturday night and five members of the family were being quarantined inside their apartment, sources said.

With files from the New York Post and Photo by AP

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