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Friday, October 24, 2014

#HNNHealth #Nigeria #BREAKING Summary #NewYork Doctor diagnosed of #Ebola after returning from #Guinea #EbolaInNYC

Press Conference on Dr Craig Spencer's Ebola diagnosis
A New York doctor who recently returned from West Africa has tested positive for Ebola and is being isolated at a Manhattan hospital, city and state officials said Thursday night.

The doctor, who has been identified as Dr. Craig Allen Spencer by New York government sources, was placed in an isolation unit today at Bellevue Hospital after reporting Ebola-like symptoms. He had a fever and gastrointestinal symptoms when he was transferred to Bellevue, said NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will confirm the preliminary positive test. CDC test results are expected by the end of the day on Friday.

"We've been preparing for just this circumstance. We were hoping that didn't happen but we were also realistic," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a press conference.

Dr. Mary Bessett, NYC Health Commissioner: "Bellevue began preparation in August. There is a long standing isolation unit here that has been around since the AIDS epidemic"

The CDC says the doctor passed the temperature screenings and tweeted below

“Healthcare worker returned through JFK Airport on Oct. 17, participated in enhanced screening for all returning travelers from W. Africa.”

“3 members of CDC’s Ebola Response Team will arrive in New York City tonight; CDC Ebola

“CDC in close communications w/ New York City Health Department & Bellevue Hospital, is providing technical assistance & resources.”

Here is my newscast

Below are my tweets when I heard.

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