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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

#HNNTerror Profiling 2015’s New Enemy: Who Are They and What Do They Want.

In recent weeks, a terrifying wave of terrorism has washed over Israel and Europe. On January 7, twelve people were murdered by terrorists at the Charlie Hebdo magazine offices in Paris. The gunmen identified themselves as belonging to Al-Qaeda’s branch in Yemen, which took responsibility for the attack. Two days later, another Islamic terrorist held several hostages at gunpoint at Jewish supermarket “Hyper Cacher” in Paris. He killed four of the hostages. On February 14, a gunman carried out two shooting attacks in Denmark. He murdered two people, one in the first attack which took place during a free-speech debate in a cafe, and the other in the second attack, which targeted a synagogue.

“Everyone has been overwhelmed by the recent terror events, which have become a global concern,” said Capt. A., a company commander in the Counter-Terrorism School. “2015’s new enemy wants the ‘media effect’. It wants to create a buzz and to intrigue as many media outlets as possible, and then die as a martyr. How do you think police forces in Paris managed to identify the terrorists in the Charlie Hebdo shooting? They left their ID’s behind inside their getaway vehicle. Why did they leave them there? It was intentional! This is the true face of 2015’s new enemy. They want all the world to know who they are.”

Source: Israeli Defence Forces Blog

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