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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

#HNNCommunity Nigerian Prez Jonathan speaks out on how he EMPOWERS WOMEN

On his Facebook page, he writes: 
I have always been an advocate for women empowerment which is why I am proud of the record of the efforts our administration has made. We have appointed more female ministers than any other administration in the history of Nigeria.
I also promoted gender equality by ordering the Nigerian Defence Academy to begin accepting female cadets and I have never regretted that decision as our women folk have gone on to win laurels in Nigeria and abroad.We are all products of womanhood. Never will our women be relegated in our national life. They must ever be visible and appreciated. When you empower women, you empower the family.
Nowhere has this been more prevalent than in the agricultural sector were 2 million farmers are contributing their quota to making Nigeria meet her national food security targets.God bless Nigeria and may God bless our mothers. GEJ

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