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Saturday, February 28, 2015

#HNNMedia Stand up to Media Empire and #Autism says #Russian Media figure (@AnowRT)

I lived 30 year in the USA, my son now 28 was born with autism and I am a Journalist and Pharmacist. Is this a coincidence of sorts? Anissa got this one right as she always does. Kerry is ranting about not having a Russian or foreign country equivalent of media outlets abroad. But there is Voice of America and more. CNN even has it's different language channels in many countries. I've been on her show "In The Now" once during a Boko Haram attack in Baga.

Russian Insider reports: 

Corporate media and Autism. Watch the video and where Secretary Kerry comes in. Amazing! Anissa wrote on her Facebook page:
 "Wow! So many people donating to take a stand against corporate media and John Kerry. Too generous! Remember it's not about the money-a dollar here, a dollar there. The important thing is to spread the word. Thank you all who have joined the cause!"

Read my story of Autism here. Very compelling. I love people giving to Autism research. Good job Anissa!

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