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Sunday, May 11, 2008

FOR WHAT?: DMX gives up as SWAT team swarms home!

A couple of days ago, I reported that DMX was arrested for speeding.....AT HIS HOME and I also stressed the fact that cops do not follow you and I home to arrest us for a highway offense. Sometimes they just set you up and ruin these young black rappers lives with criminal records. Was I right? DMX was arrested on drug and animal cruelty charges following an overnight raid on the rapper's house, authorities said Friday.

The 37-year-old rapper, whose given name is Earl Simmons, initially tried to barricade himself in his bedroom but emerged when a SWAT team entered his Phoenix home during the 3 a.m. raid yesterday, police said. If that was a regular person's home and they opened fire at 3am on the intruders/cops, we have a case but what if DMX who HID IN HIS DAMN ROOM opened fire, then the hip-hop community will be in even more trouble. This is utterly ridiculous!

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