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Monday, May 26, 2008

LONGTIME: Tiffany Long, Atlanta Gossip, (AG) Reporter chats with SHORTIE! Beyonce's Ex-BODYGUARD!!

He was the most photographed bodyguard ever and his 400 pound stature would make any paparazzi reconsider. You have seen him in at the airports and on exotic vacations in Italy alongside R&B singer Beyonce and her now husband, Rapper Jay Z. “Shortie” who was Beyonce’s long time former bodyguard spoke with me live via the telephone today and discussed in a candid 30 minute interview about life after Beyonce.

As we all remember, “Shortie” was fired in May of last year by Matthew Knowles, Beyonce’s Father/Manager. Reports say that he was let go because Mr. Knowles felt that his superstar daughter needed a younger youthful buff bodyguard figure protecting her. In our interview “Shortie” sets the record straight about his dismissal and to clear up rumors that have been circulating around the Internet and in the press over the past year. He also discussed what he has been doing over the last year and his plans for the future.

Tiffany: Well Hello Mr. Shortie. How are you?
Shortie: I’m great….How are things in the A.T.L?
Tiffany: Just fine, thanks for asking.
Tiffany: Thank you for taking the time out of your business schedule to phone me today, the day before Memorial Day.
Shortie: It’s a pleasure. Thanks for inviting me.
Tiffany: Any big plans for the holiday?
Shortie: No, I just marinating my short ribs, steak and chicken for the grill tomorrow. I’m having a few family members and friends over for a BBQ.
Tiffany: Oh, that sounds so good…can I come?
Shortie: Sure, come on….(laughing)
Tiffany: Again, thanks for agreeing to talk with me today. Why did you decide to speak with me?
Shortie: Tiffany, its like this, there have been so many stories on the Internet and in the press about my dismissal and I just wanted to set the record straight and to clear up my name.
Tiffany: So why now after a whole year?
Shortie: Well, I was under a gag order for one year where I could not discuss anything publicly and it has now been a year.
Tiffany: Ok, I understand. So what would you like the public to know about the whole ordeal? Shortie:Well, I have worked with Beyonce and the Knowles Family for a number of years. They are great people. I enjoyed working with them and it was a great experience.
Tiffany: So why did you leave? Were you fired?
Shortie: Well, not directly, but I was asked to resign.
Tiffany: Why?
Shortie: Well, it was a complicated situation. Beyonce was moving in a different direction with her career and with that came new territory.
Tiffany: So what does that all mean? You were protecting her all those years and all of a sudden you were not qualified to continue doing the same?
Shortie: Well, to make a long story short, Mr. Knowles felt in the best interest of business that the Beyonce brand needed a different image to put it nicely.
Tiffany: Wow, so you were fired? Shortie: Yes, but I want to set the record straight. I have no hard feelings against Mr. Knowles and Bee. I respect them both and his decision. Business is business. It comes a time in everyone’s life that change is going to happen and change can be good. We just have to make the best of it. I am no way bitter or disgruntled. It was great working with Bee, Mr. Knowles and Mrs. Tina. They were like family to me and still are.
Tiffany: I love your positive attitude through this difficult situation. You are such a gentle giant. Shortie: (Laughing) Well that’s life…what can you do?
Tiffany: So have you seen or been in contact with any of them?
Shortie:Yes, as a matter of fact I have. I talk to Bee often and she text me all the time. I saw the entire family just last month.
Tiffany: Really. Where at?
Shortie: Well, Jay and Bee had an event at his apartment in New York City last month and they asked me to provide security.
Tiffany: Really. Was this at Jay’s apartment when they got married?
Shortie: Married…I don’t know anything about that…(Laughing)
Tiffany: Come on now. You know they got married. How was the wedding?
Shortie: Again, I don’t know anything about no wedding…(Laughing)
Tiffany: Alright, I know you covering and don’t want to let the cat out of the bag, but everybody knows that they tied the knot last month at his apartment.
Shortie: That’s news to me…(Laughing)
Tiffany: Ok, I understand you don’t want to tell us. So how did you meet Beyonce and Matthew Knowles?
Shortie: Michelle Williams is my cousin. She introduced me to them.
Tiffany: Really, I did not know that. So your cousin gave you the hook up? Shortie: Yes, pretty much and the rest is history.
Tiffany: Wow, so why aren’t you protecting Michelle? Shortie: Shell don’t need no body guard. Shell from the streets of Chicago. Don’t let that exterior and quietness fool you. Shell can fight and can get ghetto too…(Laughing)
Tiffany: Michelle, a fighter? Come on…
Shortie: Ok, I’m going to put you two in a ring and my money is going with Shell…(laughing). My couz is tough, but seriously she has been in the studio a lot recording her album and really did not need my services. But who knows maybe in the near future if she tours.
Tiffany: Cool. So what are your plans and what have you been doing the last year?
Shortie: Well, with the generous severance package that I received from the Knowles, I started my own business in Chicago.
Tiffany: That’s great! What kind of business?
Shortie: I opened up my own security company.
Tiffany: Wow, we all heard about that reported severance package that you received from Matthew. Is it true that you received $500,000, plus a $100,000 bonus?
Shortie: It’s true. They were very generous with me and I thank them for that. They did not have to do that for me because my contract did not have that figure in it. They could have just kick me out on the streets, but they were a blessing. It now allows me to spend more time with my family and it helped me start my own business venture. I have also been able to make some really good investments.
Tiffany: That’s what I’m talking about. You sound like a smart brother. That is good to hear. So tell me more about your Security business?
Shortie: Well, I have 8 full-time and 4 part-time employees now and I have plans to add 5-8 additional people. We protect high profile clients and we also do security for a number of local events in the Chicago area. I have one person on board now with R. Kelly.
Tiffany: Yeah, R. Kelly is going through the trial and all and I’m sure he can use all the security he can get about now.
Shortie: (Laughing) Well, let’s just hope everything works out for him.
Tiffany: He’s going to need our prayers and some…(Laughing) Do you protect clients within prison because he is going to need protection when he goes to jail too.
Shortie: You are crazy girl…(Laughing)
Tiffany: Well Mr. Shortie it was a pleasure speaking with you this evening. I am so glad that things worked out for you and again thanks for clearing up all the rumors. By the way what is your real name?
Shortie: (Laughing) It’s Shortie,

just call me Shortie…

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